The Humanists are a non-theistic community working for a secular state.

They provide non-denominational ceremonies such as weddings, funerals and baby showers.

They have applied to become a registered religious community but have been refused by the Kammarkollegiet, which is the authority responsible for registration.

The application has been rejected with reference to the fact that, according to their own description, the Humanists do not conduct "religious activities" and cannot be considered a religious community in the sense of the law.

- Secular humanism is a view of life just like Christianity, Islam or Buddhism and then the state cannot treat certain views of life differently and discriminate against others, says Christer Sturmark, former chairman and now committed member of the Humanists.

Financially and fundamentally important

Gaining the status of a religious community means certain advantages, such as the fact that the tax authorities are then helpful in collecting membership fees and you can also receive government support for your activities.

It is therefore both financially and in principle important for the humanists to gain status as a religious community, says Sturmark.

- If you go to the classical sociologists, they would say that religion is a coherent ethical thought system that creates meaning for people.

If you use that definition, of course it fits secular humanism as well as Christianity.

Satanists and AIK association

In addition to large and well-known denominations such as the Church of Sweden, more obscure denominations such as the atheistic Satanist society and the AIK association "Vår svartgula sal" have received the green light from the Kammarkollegiet.

- It becomes almost comical when an AIK association that calls itself a religion is approved and secular humanism, which exists in 70-80 countries, is rejected, says Christer Sturmark.

The humanists have now submitted an appeal to the administrative court.

Kulturnyheterna has sought out the Kammarkollegiet who do not want to appear for an interview.