Kulturnyheterna has previously reported that the dance permit is being removed and now the bill has been hammered out at a government meeting.

- After all, this is an issue that has been pushed and dragged on for a long time.

Our starting point is that it is not reasonable for the state to regulate whether people can dance or not, says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) to Sveriges Radio.

The scrapped permit means that nightclubs and bars no longer need to seek permission from the police for dancing in places that are not public from July 1.

Run over the Legislative Council

This also means that the government overrides the Legislative Council, which considers that the preparation is incomplete.

The reason for this is that the previous government's proposal contained two options: one which means that certain dance events, associated with higher order risks, would still need a permit.

The proposal that the government has gone ahead with is based on canceling the permit completely - something the investigator did not recommend and therefore the proposal should go for referral again, according to the Legislative Council, writes TT.

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"I said when I just took office that if I had to choose a law that should be removed, it would be the one about the dance permit," says Gunnar Strömmer (M).

Photo: SVT