What is happening in the West (primarily in the US and Germany) around the "investigations" of the Nord Stream explosions is anything but an attempt to establish the truth.

But this cannot be called pure disinformation either, although the latest story that the terrorist acts were carried out by a “private Ukrainian organization” leaves the impression of a quickly smeared hack.

We are dealing with a very multi-layered phenomenon.

Its source was the realization by the most sensible part of the American elite of the acuteness of the situation for the United States not only in foreign policy (the cost of defeat in the conflict "around Ukraine" is fundamentally higher than in the conflict "in Ukraine"), but also in domestic policy, which for the modern United States is much more important.

Ultimately, all elite groups in the US were interested in the fact that American shale hydrocarbons became the main source of energy resources for US-controlled Europe.

Therefore, the White House did not expect leaks, and even such dangerous ones as voiced by Seymour Hersh, and was not ready for effective information counteraction.

I had to invent versions, even at first glance, looking unconvincing.

The first layer

just reflects internal political tensions.

The concern of those forces in the American elite that are not part of the current radical-globalist coalition is understandable: if the American special services and security forces (it is unlikely that anyone in the United States takes seriously the version of the “Ukrainian special forces”) are able to act by such methods in the international arena (and act , obviously bypassing Congress), then what prevents them from doing something similar inside the United States?

Moreover, the same CIA has long been privatized by the Clinton clan, and this is not only about William Burns.

Much more dangerous is the permissiveness of the special services in the conditions of awareness of the consequences of the defeat for themselves by the ruling elite.

It has already been driven twice over the flags of what is acceptable in elections in a much calmer environment than now, when the question arose not of political domination, but of survival.

What the White House people are ready for now, one can only guess.

Layer two

, largely arising from the first, but having an independent value: the question of a label for a great European reign.

A terrorist country, an accomplice in undermining a critical energy infrastructure facility, simply cannot receive such a label.

If only because all the other EU countries are already trying on the situation for themselves.

And if not the Baltic, but the Adriatic or the Mediterranean?

And if not a gas pipeline, but an oil port?

By the way, only the blind did not see how China, which has sharply activated the European direction in recent weeks, saddled this topic.

Therefore, they tried, within the framework of plan B, to blame everything on the Ukrainians, whom no one feels sorry for.

But obviously it didn't work.

I wonder who they will try to appoint next to the position of the main terrorist of Europe?

And this, by the way, will be the answer to the question of what logic of European politics has prevailed in the United States.

Layer three


The leaks of information and disinformation about Nord Stream are designed to achieve results.

Everyone understands that the United States cannot afford a new watergate - it can only be the result of a final imbalance in the state of affairs in the American elite.

It is possible, but the notorious "deep state", gradually turning away from the Democrats, is fully aware of its danger and will try to avoid it.

But to create an element of constant pressure on the Biden administration, catching it on the move, this can be more than a competent move in the political struggle.

The main prize in it is dominance in power for the next 20 years, during a deep restructuring of the entire world economy, when fortunes and economic empires will crumble and new ones will be created.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.