The actor Johnny Depp is not only a famous face in the film world or as a plaintiff in the famous Depp v. Heard lawsuit.

The American is also a musician in the band Hollywood Vampires and a working artist.

In the art world, Johnny Depp has had a well-paid week to say the least - according to The Art Newspaper, he has sold portraits for the equivalent of SEK 54 million.

The paintings depict famous faces such as the actor Heath Ledger and the artist Bob Marley.

The four paintings make up the series "Friends & Heroes II", are created with the technique of silkscreen printing and are described as a mixture of street art and pop art.

Following up on last year's success

The portrait series is a follow-up to the series "Friends & Heroes" that Johnny Depp published this summer and which consisted of portraits of the actors Al Pacino and Elizabeth Taylor, as well as the musicians Bob Dylan and Keith Richards.

The paintings were sold in total for the equivalent of SEK 44.3 million.

In a statement regarding the new works, Johnny Depp himself states that he has always wanted to balance acting, music and art.

- For many years I stuck strictly to my day job in the film industry, despite the fact that in my heart I will always be a musician, and have always had a need to disappear into a white blank paper, regardless of whether it is writing, drawing or painting on white canvas, says the actor according to The Art Newspaper.