Three years ago, in Sasaguri Town, Fukuoka Prefecture, a so-called "mama friend", a mother who starved a 5-year-old boy to death, was accused of abandoning a guardian to death. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison following a first trial.

Three years ago, a 5-year-old boy died of starvation in Sasaguri Town. Emiko Akahori, 50, who was the mother's "mama friend," abandoned the person in charge of protection after telling her mother not to give her enough food. He was accused of causing death and fraud, and the first trial sentenced him to 15 years in prison last year for "leading the case."

The defendants appealed her innocence, claiming that even if she was guilty, her sentence was too harsh compared to her mother, who was sentenced to five years in prison.

In the judgment of the second trial on the 9th, Presiding Judge Futoshi Ichikawa of the Fukuoka High Court said, ``The reason why the mother starved the child to death was that she believed the defendant's repeated lies and was psychologically controlled. It is the defendant's actions that caused the victim's pain and death."

On the other hand, it has been revealed that Rie Ikari (41), the boy's mother who is in prison, filed a civil lawsuit seeking compensation of more than 12 million yen from Akahori.

In her complaint, she alleges that Akahori controlled her entire life and defrauded her of money 111 times under the guise of fictitious court costs.