China Weather Network News Today and tomorrow (March 9-10), the temperature in Beijing will continue to rise during the day, and the highest temperature may reach 23°C tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow, a new wave of cold air will arrive at the scene, and the cooling power will be strong. The maximum temperature will drop to 13°C. The public should pay attention to the temperature change, add clothes in time to keep warm, and beware of catching a cold.

  At 14:00 yesterday, the temperature at the Southern Suburb Observatory was 19.5°C, and the warmth continued. The southerly wind gradually increased in the afternoon, with local gusts of around force 6, and the wind was dry.

  The Beijing Meteorological Observatory predicts that today and tomorrow, Beijing will be full of warmth, and the cold air will arrive on the scene the day after tomorrow, which will usher in a significant drop in temperature.

Among them, today is sunny to cloudy during the day, with a maximum temperature of 21°C; cloudy to sunny at night, with light fog, and a minimum temperature of 6°C.

  Tomorrow, the temperature in Beijing will continue to soar, with the highest temperature reaching 23°C. However, a new gust of cold air will appear on the weekend, which will take a big dive against the temperature. The highest temperature is only 13°C, and the lowest temperature may return to freezing point. There is a big difference between the front and rear , The body feels the season changes every other day.

  The meteorological department reminded that Beijing will be very warm during the day today and tomorrow, and the maximum temperature will remain above 20°C, but the temperature will only be in single digits in the morning and evening, and the public should pay attention to keeping warm when traveling.

Recently, the concentration of pollen is extremely high. Sensitive people should try to reduce outdoor activities and take good health protection when going out.