The General Council of Physicians (CGCOM) has presented today the data on attacks on registered doctors during 2022, figures that

break the historical record with 843

violent actions reported to medical colleges, which is

38% more than the previous year. (231 more than in 2021).

The total figure since 2010 reaches 6,492 attacks.

Dr. José María Rodríguez Vicente, General Secretary of the Council and member of the National Observatory of Aggressions, has been in charge of presenting the data within the first European day of attacks on health personnel that has had representatives of other medical orders from the Union European.

Of all the attacks suffered,

61% correspond to women

, a fact that consolidates the trend of recent years in which women suffer most of these violent actions.

43% of the registered attacks are concentrated in the field of

primary care, "

a percentage that, although it experiences a decrease at the national level, is not homogeneous in all the autonomous communities", they point out from the General Council of Colleges of Physicians.

Behind are

Hospitals, which rise five points and stand at 27%, ahead of Hospital Emergencies (9%) and Primary Care Emergencies (8%).

Regarding the types of attacks suffered by medical professionals, the Observatory points out that in 84% of the cases there were insults and threats, mostly to women, while the remaining 16% were attacks that ended in physical


, suffering from them in 56% women and 44% men.

It is worth noting the increase registered in injuries (+3%).

"Of all the attacks received and

communicated, 10%

of them ended in sick leave," they point out from the Council.

More data.

Two out of every ten attacks are not related to medical care or care issues


Within this "structural" area, the time spent receiving care stands out with 64.3%, followed by a malfunction of the center (24%) and that related to the Covid-19 protocols (11.7%).

Among the care causes, once again the main one is the

discrepancy with the medical care received, which stands at 53%


Personal discrepancies (13.8%) are also reasons for aggression;

not prescribing what was proposed by the patient (12.4%), what was related to temporary disability (10.6%) and, finally, reports not in accordance with the claims (9.9%).

Regarding the

type of exercise

in which the attacks have occurred, data similar to that of previous years is also maintained with a

clear preponderance of the public exercise (89%) over the private one (11%).

Of all the attacks, 95.1% occur during working hours and in the work environment.

In the distribution by age, the report highlights that the greatest increase by age range

has occurred among the youngest members (less than 35 years of age) who already represent a quarter of those attacked (25.4%).

Another piece of information highlighted by the 2022 report and which continues the upward trend of previous years is that

more and more professionals receive support from the workplace



in 2021, 67%

, six points more than the previous year, a figure that marks a new record.

Regarding the

typology of the aggressors

, the data shows that they are

mainly scheduled patients (48%),

followed by unscheduled patients (28%) and companions (22%).

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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