• Podcast Listen to all the episodes of EL MUNDO up to date

The EL MUNDO al día podcast, in which the journalist Javier Attard dissects the great topic of the day from the heart of the newspaper's newsroom and which was the first daily


to a media outlet in Spain, has received the

Ondas Especial Award for Podcast Revelation

in the 2023 edition of the radio, radio advertising, television and music awards.

The jury, which has awarded the Ondas ex aequo to the


podcast formats in Spain, of which

EL MUNDO al día

was a pioneer, highlights that this format has "consolidated daily listening as a way of approaching the reality distanced from the urgency or the pulse of other means".

THE WORLD up to date


The sordid route of corruption of the 'Mediator case': "They chose the prostitutes by catalog"

  • Writing: JAVIER ATTARD

The sordid route of corruption of the 'Mediator case': "They chose the prostitutes by catalog"

In addition, the podcasts integrated into the print media have "established the habit of daily listening in a conscious and profound way, promoting the reunion of large numbers of audiences with news that require a tone and a structure to tell the stories that are stands at the intermediate point between the contemporary of the new media and the highest journalistic demand".

Javier Attard

directs and presents

EL MUNDO al día

, the first daily podcast linked to a large media outlet in Spain, a great commitment to the integration of new narratives that complete the newspaper's offer, after the introduction of the video.

Since June 15, 2021, EL MUNDO is no longer only read and seen, but also heard.

"This award confirms that the commitment to the EL MUNDO podcast was necessary, it complements our objective of bringing the news closer to readers", says Javier Attard, "

EL MUNDO al día

has managed to sneak into the daily routine of readers, this time through audio."

The format makes it possible to explain not only the news, but to analyze why it happens in great depth and thanks to the most authoritative voices in the newspaper.

EL MUNDO al día

has already reached

six million reproductions, with more than 20,000 daily downloads


The topics that generate the most interest are those that have to do with human stories, which allow a better understanding of the reality in which we live.


war in Ukraine

was a great boost, which has allowed the reporting of


to have a voice .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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