Luochuan County is located in the Weibei Loess Plateau of Shaanxi Province, the hometown of apples, and another business card of Yan'an, a revolutionary memorial site.

  In February, the snow has not yet melted, and Qinguan Central Primary School, which is 50 kilometers away from the county seat on a mountain road, ushered in a special first lesson accompanied by the sound of reading aloud.

On the 22nd, Fan Dunzi, a professional writer from the Xi'an Literary and Art Creation Research Office, gave a writing class to the children. At the same time, Pinduoduo's "Reading for You" public welfare action brought more than 2,000 books, more than 300 sets of school bags, stationery and sporting goods Wait, encourage your children to read more.

The children of Qinguan Township Central Primary School are attending class

Eat and live with students, never thought of leaving for 33 years

  At 6:30 in the morning, checking the children's wake-up situation, urging them to read early, attend classes, and eat, and discuss the teaching mode with young teachers, the 53-year-old vice principal Han Yingchun has a full schedule every day.

  His wife, Yang Yanxia, ​​is a Chinese teacher at this school.

In an office, half is used for office work, and the other half is used for sofas and beds for office work. The couple regard the school as their home, eat and live with students, tutor homework, and take care of daily life. They have been working for 33 years.

  "Mountain villages are seriously hollowed out, and there are many left-behind children. More than 70% of the students in the school are boarders." Han Yingchun said.

Han Yingchun and his wife took their children to read new books in the reading room

  Han Yingchun is from Dali, Weinan. After graduating from Luochuan Teachers College in 1990, at the age of 20, he was assigned to Qinguan Central Primary School. There is a bed board, a three-double table, a stool, a bed supported by stones, and a wall covered with mud. He is here Take root.

A year later, he fell in love with his wife and got married, and never left the school. Even his daughter was born and went to school in this school.

  The salaries of rural teachers are not high.

From the initial 114 yuan per month, after several increases, the income of the husband and wife can only guarantee the family's expenses.

Even the daughter was admitted to a high school in Xi'an, and the tuition fee of 10,000 yuan made it difficult for the couple. In the end, the daughter chose a high school in Yan'an.

  During this period, due to outstanding teaching achievements, schools in the county and the city also sent invitations to Han Yingchun many times. The salaries and benefits of these schools obviously exceeded those of rural primary schools. However, he rejected all the invitations.

  "I prefer stability, and I get used to it after staying here. Especially after six or seven years of work, I have established a relatively deep relationship with students and even parents, and I am full of nostalgia for this place. Compared with students who need me, I am more We need them." Han Yingchun said.

  At that time, teachers were scarce. Han Yingchun taught Chinese, mathematics, ideology and morality, and had little leisure time. He only had a few activities such as reading books and watching the news.

Even after becoming the vice principal, he still maintains a regular schedule. He gets up at 6:00 every morning, goes to the student dormitory at 6:30 to urge the children to get up, checks the children's morning reading, class, inter-class exercises, lunch, etc., Now he insists on teaching children on the front line.

Teaching students' children, teaching the old with the new

  "Some students' parents were also my students before." Over the past 33 years, Han Yingchun has brought out two generations, and students have spread all over the country, including doctors and masters. A village teacher.

In recent years, Han Yingchun has also brought out many excellent teachers, and more than a dozen of them have won the title of "County-level Teaching Experts".

  Every time he walked through the classroom, Han Yingchun stopped to listen to the young teachers in class. After class, he and the young teachers talked individually about how each class could be told in a better way.

  In 1996, Feng Yingying was the youngest teacher in the school, leading the fifth grade Chinese class.

She joked that she was most afraid of Principal Han's lectures.

Principal Han is very strict with blackboard writing. The first thing young teachers do when they come to school is to practice chalk calligraphy well.

  At present, there is still a shortage of teachers in rural areas. Many young special post teachers stay here for a few years and choose to go to big cities with more development opportunities.

"Teachers are constantly changing, which is actually a kind of harm to children." Han Yingchun hopes that more and more young teachers will come to rural primary schools, and even more hope that they can stay.

Qinguan Central Primary School Exercises

  Over the years, his wife, Yang Yanxia, ​​has not only supported her husband's career, but has also been strict with herself in teaching.

Due to an accident, she injured one ear, but she didn't miss a class even though she relied on one ear to listen to the sound.

In the past few days, even though she had a bit of a cold, she still insisted on finishing the class that day, and asked her husband to help with the class.

  Yang Yanxia said, "The Chinese in the third grade should be paid attention to, especially the composition. The first and second grades mainly mean that the upper grades can already write articles, and the study of the third grade is a transition, so we must pay attention to it." She said. , There is a magnetic field between the teacher and the students. If the children are temporarily replaced by a teacher, the new teaching mode may affect their acceptance.

  Talking about the writing situation of students, Han Yingchun said that children in rural areas have relatively little knowledge, and most of the compositions they write do not have interesting content, which is mainly due to lack of reading.

In the past, there were few books in the reading room of the school. During the winter and summer vacations, the school actually organized everyone to take one or two books home to read. In many cases, there were not enough books in the reading room.

Let life and imagination enrich writing

  On February 22, Pinduoduo's "Reading for You" public welfare action entered Qinguan Central Primary School, bringing more than 2,000 books, more than 300 sets of school bags, stationery and sporting goods to the children here, encouraging them to read more, Increase knowledge and talent.

  This public welfare trip also invited Fan Dunzi, a member of the Chinese Writers Association and a professional writer from the Literary and Art Creation Research Office of Xi'an City, to bring a writing class of "enriching life and imagination to compose" for the children, leading the children to find out from reading. The answer is to improve the writing level through continuous practice.

Teacher Fan Dunzi gives writing lessons to children

  Fan Dunzi and the children talked about his obsession with reading, "Look for the books that can be found in the whole village", "I read half a dilapidated "Dream of Red Mansions" with gusto." Enough vocabulary and sentences can be expressed.

  Fan Dunzi said that when writing, one must describe the details as much as possible to make the sentences more vivid. For example, to describe the whole process of an apple tree from flowering to maturity, you need to understand all the processes; Your imagination, such as "There is a song in the small stream that can never be finished", "The water of the Yellow River comes from the sky", you still need to associate and accumulate from curiosity.

  "From now on, start with small plans one by one, and cultivate reading habits. In addition, writing is not something that can be achieved overnight. If you keep writing, you will definitely improve. You can do 'addition' first, write a lot, and then do 'subtraction' ', to simplify the content." The children who attended the class raised problems such as "the paragraph does not fit into a paragraph" and "make up the number of words", and Fan Dunzi shared dry writing with the children.

  Entering Qinguan Central Primary School is just one of the stops of Pinduoduo's "Reading for You" charity donation campaign.

From April 2021, Pinduoduo has confirmed that knowledge inclusiveness is a long-term strategy, and has joined forces with media, writers, publishing houses, etc. to enter primary and secondary schools in China's most remote mountainous areas to help revitalize rural culture.

  The "Reading for You" public welfare donation action started in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, and has now entered the remote areas of Hubei, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Guizhou, Yunnan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan and other provinces and autonomous regions. 300,000 volumes.

In the future, this public welfare activity will continue.