China News Service, Beijing, March 1st (Wei Xianghui) The National Two Sessions will be held soon.

On March 1, the China Meteorological Administration held a press conference to introduce the national weather conditions during the two sessions.

It is expected that there will be three main cold air processes affecting our country in March, and the temperature in most parts of the country will be close to the same period of the year to be on the high side.

The picture shows the aerial photography of golden rapeseed flowers blooming one after another, and the spring scenery is so beautiful.

During the period of the two sessions, the temperature across the country is high, and Beijing is mainly sunny to cloudy

  According to Gao Rong, deputy director of the National Climate Center, it is estimated that during the two sessions of the country (March 4-15), the average temperature in most parts of the country will be 1-3 ℃ higher than normal in the same period, of which the eastern part of Inner Mongolia and the north-central part of Northeast China will be 4 degrees higher. ~5°C.

  Specifically, on the 5th and 6th, due to the influence of cold air, there will be northerly winds of magnitude 4 to 5 in the eastern and northeastern regions of Inner Mongolia, and the temperature will drop by 4 to 6°C, and the local temperature drop can reach 8 to 10°C; on the 6th to 7th , There were light to moderate rains and local heavy rains in parts of southern Sichuan, northeastern Yunnan, southern Chongqing, and western Hunan.

From the 10th to the 12th, there will be a large-scale precipitation and cooling process in the central and eastern regions.

There may be sand and dust weather in parts of western Inner Mongolia, western Gansu, Ningxia and other places.

Around the 14th, there will be another rainy process in the southern region.

  Gao Rong mentioned that it is expected that from March 4th to 15th, the weather in the urban area of ​​Beijing will be mainly sunny to cloudy; during the period, the highest temperature during the day is 12-18°C, and the lowest temperature at night is 0-6°C.

Among them, the atmospheric diffusion conditions and visibility were generally good on the 4th, 9th to 15th, and worsened from the 5th to the 8th, and the wind was relatively strong on March 11-12.

The picture shows Sanlihe Park in Dongcheng District, Beijing.

Photo by Xu Jing

There will be 3 cold air processes this month, and the overall activity will be weak

  Gao Rong said that according to the current research and judgment on the national weather and climate situation in March, the cold air activities affecting my country are generally weak, and the risk of large-scale continuous low temperature disasters in the central and eastern regions is relatively low.

  According to Gao Rong, it is expected that there will be three main cold air processes affecting my country in March. The time and intensity of occurrence are: early early (medium), early middle (weak), and late late (weak).

  In terms of temperature, except that the temperature in southern Yunnan is lower than that of the same period of normal years, the temperature in most parts of the country is close to the same period of normal years to high, including most of Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Beijing, Tianjin, northern and central Hebei, northern Shanxi, Shaanxi The temperature in the northern part and the northern part of Ningxia is 1-2 ℃ higher.

  Gao Rong reminded that since spring is still a season with frequent cold air in our country, the temperature and fluctuations in temperature and temperature within the season are still relatively changeable, and we still need to pay attention to the impact of periodic cooling and regional cold weather in late spring.
