The Swedish dictionary published by the Swedish Academy is revising its definition of the word "snippa".

The processing is part of the recurring revision of the dictionary.

"Must ask the child"

The editor-in-chief Emma Sköldberg tells Kulturnyheterna that she is critical of the dictionary being used in a legal context, in this case by the Court of Appeal in the high-profile verdict that acquitted a man of raping a ten-year-old child.

- You can't use the dictionary in this way, you have to ask the child how he defines the event.

According to Emma Sköldberg, it is a problem that there are different definitions of snippa in SAOL and the Swedish dictionary, where the former defines it as "the female genital organ" and the latter as "the external female genital organ".

When the revised version of the word is published, Sköldberg cannot answer.