The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is working to introduce specific examples in videos in order to make people aware of unconscious beliefs based on gender, such as "Men work and women do housework."

Miyako has created short videos of specific examples so that unconscious biases based on gender, such as "Because I'm a man" or "Because I'm a woman, I should be this way," do not hinder the success of individuals. We are working to pass it on.

This time, the city is soliciting video works, and the four works selected for the Excellence Award are published on the city's website.

Among them, in the work with the theme of leaving his family behind, the main character hears from a friend that his parents are going to work away from home. It is painted in a surprising way.

Also, in the work on the theme of children's play, when I asked the children to give them origami, ``Boys, take the blue shuriken, and girls, take the pink ribbon.'' ” is asked by the child, and it is expressed that he notices his own beliefs.

A person in charge of the city said, "Everyone has unconscious preconceptions, so it's important to reflect on your own words and actions. Through videos, we want to create a society where everyone can play an active role regardless of gender."