Christopher Faleyras 5:25 p.m., February 23, 2023

Gloves, punches, a ring... These are the first images that come up when boxing is mentioned.

And yet, this combat sport has other aspects that are better for your health.

In "Bienfait pour vous", Akim Ben Mzakar, sports columnist, gives three good reasons to put on boxing gloves very quickly if you want to (re) find your form. 

What if you chose boxing to get back in shape?

A few months before summer, do you want to embark on the quest for the "summer body"?

Many possibilities are available to you: football, basketball, bodybuilding... But have you thought about boxing?

Far from the image of a combat sport practiced in austere gymnasiums, boxing can be fun and it's good for your health, with positive effects for both the head and the body.

Are you hesitating to put on the gloves?

In "

Benefit for you

", the sports columnist, Akim Ben Mzakar, gives three good reasons to discover the "noble art" very quickly. 


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Burn calories and improve your cardio

"Boxing is a sport with regular and repeated movements, so it will naturally promote muscle toning, so who says activation necessarily says we burn fat" explains the specialist.

In one hour of training, hundreds of calories can be burned depending on the level of the practitioner.

And with the frenetic pace of a good workout, you'll not only melt, but also strengthen your body, starting with the most important muscle: your heart.

"You will increase your heart rate very quickly, which will simply help strengthen the heart," confirms Akim Ben Mzakar.


 : I-Percut, a company that modernizes the practice of boxing

Build muscle effectively

But the "noble art" is not just a simple cardio session, far from it.

Arms, thighs, buttocks... Boxing is an intense and dynamic sport whose effects on the whole body can be seen (quickly).

"You will be doing fitness exercises such as push-ups, squats, sit-ups," says Akim Ben Mzakar.

Coupled with traditional sessions, with or without a punching bag, the boxing practitioner will be able to build muscle effectively.

Not to mention that it is also possible to train during a sparring, "a cordial exchange of blows against an opponent without brutality".

But be careful, the intensity must always be required for quick results. 

Develop self-confidence  

Another advantage of boxing is that it is practiced in very different settings.

“Hundreds of clubs have opened all over France. But you can practice in a park with your coach or even your friend” specifies Akim Ben Mzakar.

In any case, practicing boxing will have beneficial effects for the body and will also help to strengthen its self-confidence, thanks to the mentality of surpassing oneself that reigns in this sport. 

If you will certainly not become the next Mohamed Ali, Mike Tyson, or even Floyd "Money" Mayweather, boxing will therefore at least have the merit of getting you in shape and mentally strengthening you.

And that's not so bad...