• TEA "A person with autism is like a foreigner in his own land"

Christmas parties, like many other celebrations, are events in which many people often launch firecrackers, fireworks and other pyrotechnics that cause a lot of noise.

Many people are bothered by that noise but what they don't know is the great suffering suffered by children and adults like


, who suffers from autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

This child's sister has wanted to make this problem visible with a video that she has uploaded on her social networks in which she denounces the suffering and anxiety that Alejandro suffers.

"I need 30 seconds of your attention. This is my brother Alejandro and this is his reality. Every year he suffers repeated anxiety attacks due to firecrackers, we are trying to raise awareness about the damage they cause in people with ASD," he says in the images.

Irene Cabrera

, Alejandro's sister.

In the images you can see Alejandro in anguish and having a really bad time while his family tries to calm him down and give him water.

A suffering that is due to the

sensory hypersensitivity

that many ASD patients have.

This hypersensitivity makes them perceive the sensory stimuli of the environment in a special way, which causes them overwhelm, anxiety and suffering.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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