The conclusion of the Second International Forum for Leaders of Humanitarian and Voluntary Work in Sharjah

The Second International Forum for Humanitarian and Voluntary Work Leaders, which was held in Sharjah with the participation of experts in charitable and humanitarian work from 10 Arab countries, recommended the need to develop the capacities of charitable and voluntary societies in areas affected by disasters, crises and unrest, and to support volunteer teams for their significant role in supporting government efforts, rescue operations, awareness and distribution of aid in times of crisis. .

The forum, which was organized by the Norwegian Society for Justice and Peace under the slogan "Together for Humanity", in the presence of leaders in humanitarian work from various Arab countries, including the UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, discussed during its sessions contemporary challenges facing humanitarian work in light of global crises and the role of humanitarian organizations in limiting the effects of those crises.

The conference stressed that social networks and information technology play a major role in protecting civilians and workers in the field of humanitarian and charitable efforts during crises and disasters, in addition to their role in highlighting the situation in crisis areas and promoting donations and humanitarian support for those affected.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Nahhas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Norwegian Society for Justice and Peace, said that the forum came with the aim of supporting humanitarian action plans in the region and the world and discussing the challenges facing workers in the charitable field, especially in areas of crises and disasters, praising the great humanitarian efforts of the UAE in the Arab, African and Asian regions and supporting relief and work teams. charity and humanity in the world.

He said that the UAE's efforts during the Corona pandemic crisis are a model in humanitarian support during crises, as dozens of planes loaded with medicines, vaccinations, tools and medical equipment flew to African and Asian countries to face the repercussions of the pandemic, in addition to directing planes loaded with food aid, field hospitals and medical supplies to provide relief to various areas affected by earthquakes and floods. world level, which made it a global symbol of love, peace, goodness, tolerance, coexistence and mutual respect.

For his part, Engineer Tariq Anani, Secretary General of the Society, said that the forum supported the promotion of humanitarian, charitable and voluntary work, and contributed to alleviating suffering and aiding the needy and the most vulnerable groups in the world, noting that the recipient honored a number of leaders of humanitarian and voluntary work in the GCC countries.

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