The sensational dramatic thriller "Black Swan" will receive a second birth, but already on the theater stage - as a musical.

Director Darren Aronofsky spoke about this in an interview with The AV Club.

"We're trying to do a Black Swan musical," the director said. "We'll see what happens, but we're working on it."

Where the project will be presented Aronofsky did not specify.

The cinematographer also noted that he always wanted to work on a musical and repeatedly raised this idea.

When asked if he was thinking about filming a film musical, Aronofsky said that he would also be interested in it, but it was fraught with a number of difficulties.   

“It's very difficult, because music from musicals is no longer popular.

So what to do?

I think Hamilton is brilliant because Lin-Manuel Miranda combined the musical with hip-hop.

So he made this truly brilliant breakthrough.

The main problem is the question of what music should be and what is its origin, ”the director of The AV Club quotes.

Thriller Black Swan, released in 2010, grossed nearly $330 million at the box office.

The plot of the film, based on the work of Andres Heinz, revolves around the ballerina Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman), who dreams of playing the lead role in the production of Swan Lake.

The heroine, faced with a number of difficulties - from a difficult relationship with the choreographer Tom Leroy (Vincent Cassel) to competition with a young dancer Lily (Mila Kunis), - gradually slides into the abyss of insanity, ceasing to distinguish between reality and obsessive hallucinations.

Black Swan was nominated for five Oscars - Best Picture, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Editing and Best Actress.

As a result, Natalie Portman received the coveted statuette of the American Film Academy, who also collected the Golden Globe, BAFTA, Saturn and other awards for the embodiment of the image of Nina on the screen.

In preparation for filming, Portman resumed ballet classes (before that, she went to ballet school as a child) and began to train for several hours a day.

The actress lost nine kilograms, and during the filming she received several injuries.

Black Swan received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers (85% and 84% respectively on the aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, 78/100 on the Metacritic portal) and paid off at the box office, earning an amount dozens of times higher than the relatively modest budget of $13 million.

Actors and film critics have compared Aronofsky's work to Roman Polanski's apartment trilogy (Repulsion, Rosemary's Baby, The Tenant), body horror pioneer David Cronenberg, and David Fincher's psychological thrillers. 

In June 2022, it became known that the sequel to Todd Philips' acclaimed film Joker, starring Joaquin Phoenix, would also become a musical.

Lady Gaga's Harley Quinn will be the second lead character in the film, tentatively titled Joker: Two Man Madness.

At the same time, the action of the film will unfold in a different universe where similar supervillains live, embodied on the screen by Jared Leto and Margot Robbie.

The script for the sequel, like the original film, was written by Todd Phillips and Scott Silver.

Like Aronofsky, Phillips had no previous work in the musical genre.

The most notable projects in his filmography as a director are the Hangover trilogy, the comedies Back to Back and Guys with Guns.

As a producer, Phillips worked on the 2018 film A Star Is Born, which received eight Oscar nominations.

The first part of the "Joker" did not seem promising to the producers, because $ 60 million was allocated for its production - a rather modest budget by the standards of comic book blockbusters.

However, the project "shot", having collected more than $ 1.074 billion at the box office. The picture received 11 Oscar nominations and was awarded two awards - for best male role and soundtrack.

In addition, "Joker" received the main prize of the Venice Film Festival, and Joaquin Phoenix was awarded the BAFTA, Screen Actors Guild and Golden Globe awards.