Local authorities see it as a tool for involving residents in the life of their territory.

In France, participatory budgets are attracting more and more elected officials.

Riding on this fashion, the department of Ille-et-Vilaine is in turn launching its participatory budget.

From this Thursday and until February 15, residents can submit their ideas on a dedicated site.

After the technical and financial analysis of the files, it will be time for the vote, scheduled between June 1 and 30.

For this first edition, two million euros will be allocated to finance the popular projects.

The department specifies that the money will be distributed over each of the six territories (Rennes, Redon, Saint-Malo, Fougères, Brocéliande and Vitré) in equal shares.

Paris, Grenoble and Rennes precursors

While all ideas are welcome, they must however relate to themes falling within the competences of the department, namely solidarity, the environment and biodiversity, culture, education, youth or sport.

With Paris and Grenoble, Rennes was one of the first to embark on this process in 2016. Since then, the participatory budget has been following its course with a season 6 which opened in October.

For this new vintage, an envelope of 50,000 euros has also been granted to children aged 6 to 11 who will be able to submit their proposals from March for a vote in May 2023.


Lille: A particularly playful 3rd participatory budget


Lyon: The most unusual projects proposed for the city's participatory budget

  • Budget

  • Participatory budget

  • Citizenship

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