While the negotiations supposed to bring peace in the East of the DR Congo started yesterday in Nairobi, the Rwandan president returned for the first time publicly since September to the Congolese file during a speech in Parliament.

His country is regularly accused by the Congolese authorities of supporting the armed group M23 and of destabilizing the east of the country.

Paul Kagame refuted his accusations at length and accused his counterpart Félix Tshisekedi of taking advantage of the conflict to delay the elections.

Explanations in Kigali from our correspondent Clément Di Roma.

In South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa is threatened with impeachment proceedings.

A case has been pursuing him for months and has finally caught up with him: a burglary of his luxurious farm where large sums of cash have been found.

What is reproached to the South African president is above all for not having reported the burglary, neither to the police nor to the tax authorities.

December 1st is World AIDS Day.

We take you to Ivory Coast where the rate of contamination is decreasing.

But people with HIV are very often singled out.

Many of them refuse to get tested to avoid being stigmatized.

NGOs are trying to raise awareness among young people.

Report in Abidjan by Sadia Mandjo.

Editor: Célia Caracena

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