The health crisis linked to Covid-19 continues to have consequences on the lives of French people.

The Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Ifop published a study on November 11 on the transformation of our lifestyles after these last two years of health crisis.

This period would thus have profoundly affected the state of mind, the motivation and the relationship to the effort of the French.

A loss of motivation

“Since the health crisis, 30% of respondents say they are less motivated than before,” highlights the survey.

This share of respondents less motivated since the health crisis is even 40% for 25-34 year olds.

This figure drops to 21% for those over 65.

Several factors seem to influence this percentage, such as whether or not you live in the Paris region.

41% of French people living in this area said they were less motivated than before the crisis, compared to 29% for those living in urban areas outside the Paris region and 22% for those living in rural areas.

A wave of laziness with multiple consequences

In parallel with this drop in motivation, the study also highlighted an increase in fatigue felt after physical exertion (for 41% of French people), and a drop in the practice of sport and physical activity in 28 % of 18-24 year olds.

All these elements seem to interact with each other to lead to a mental and physical weakening of the population, and in particular of young adults, who have suffered several successive crises, against a backdrop of global warming.

This would result in greater vulnerability to the vagaries of life, lower resistance to frustration and waiting, development of risks related to obesity and sedentary lifestyle and more generally an "epidemic of laziness" to go out from home, which would more regularly affect 45% of French people. 

According to this study, this would explain the low number of spectators in cinemas, the constant increase in home deliveries, or even the wave of resignations that there has recently been on the labor market, French now privileging their privacy more.


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Covid-19: The pandemic has lowered the level of satisfaction of the French, according to INSEE

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