Without any desire to gloat, just seeing the reaction of Kiev blogs to the collapse of the energy infrastructure, I remember: in 2014, there were no more tidbits than heat and water supply for Donetsk and Lugansk residents, which had just made a great revolution of freedom and independence of Kiev.

They beat, they beat, they beat, they beat on substations and water towers, they beat, they beat, they beat, they beat, they beat, they beat, they beat, they beat ...

And they all laughed: well, what, are you shelling yourself?

How do you like it there, separatists, without light and heat?

Repair teams went to repair - they immediately fired at them and have since killed hundreds of repairmen, which, I note, we never do, although we could, God forgive me.

Everything is clear with Slavyansk: they killed this city in order to break the resistance there and intimidate the citizens.

But if only Slavyansk.

I entered Lugansk on September 4, 2014 — it was a dead, black, murdered city.

Donetsk was diligently deprived of light and heat both in 2015 and 2016, and even now it is known that there.

It is characteristic that in 2014-2021 we did nothing of the kind in response.

Although they could.

Silently endured.

Silently they did it.

Don't yell at the whole world.

Well, of course, it was also stupid from a moral point of view: are we going to hit our cities?

They are in Donetsk, and we are in response to Kramatorsk and Schastia?

They don't have theirs anywhere, but we have ours everywhere.

These ongoing shellings are an attempt to somehow persuade the Kiev authorities to negotiate.

Russia, as if apologizing, embarrassed of itself, says: well, please, sit down with us at the negotiating table, you will fix everything tomorrow, but now you see that we can break everything with you.

Dear citizens of Ukraine, the Kremlin seems to be saying, well, tell your Fuhrer to start negotiations.

…He won't go anywhere, of course.

You, our rulers, will still be brought to the next inevitable stage.

A strike on the energy system plus a powerful counteroffensive with the passing liberation of some city on the way to Kyiv, while in Kyiv there is darkness, panic and sadness.

Some Minsk civilians concluded when the Russians were near Mariupol.

In those hours, the last units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fled from it in horror and the city was ready for the entry of the militias and northerners.

Other Minsk concluded to the accompaniment of the Debaltsevo disaster.

The third time you will have to do the same.

The saddest thing is that the same thing will have to be done for the fourth time if peace happens now.

Because nowhere, except in Kyiv, this war will not end.

And remember: if they had even one chance to cut off the light in all of Russia or flood Moscow, they would have done it long ago.

When they shout in Kiev: “Fascists!”, it can be translated into Russian in only one way: “What a pity that we cannot do the same and even worse!

What a pity that we cannot be fascists to the very last, sincere, lethal degree!

They've been doing all this before, just on a smaller scale, for the previous eight years.

They will make it even worse by scaling the evil brought to the maximum - at the first minimal opportunity.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.