958 pictures, 1357 cultural relics, 40 works of art, 25 groups of landscape works, 13 precious video videos... Xie Yinnan is very familiar with the situation of the theme exhibition of Peking University's Red Chamber.

  The post-95 generation is the commentator on the theme of "Glorious and Great Red Prologue of the Red House of Peking University - The Red House of Peking University and the Early Revolutionary Activities of the Communist Party of China in Beijing". She hopes that every visitor can "touch" at close range through her explanation. Those outstanding young people a hundred years ago.

  In 2021, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Red Building of Peking University will reopen to the public after repairs. Xie Yinnan came to the Red Building of Peking University for the first time.

  "The young Mao Zedong was 25 years old when he came to the Red House of Peking University for the first time, and I was also 25 years old when I came to the Red House of Peking University for the first time." Xie Yinnan said, she often feels that she is very lucky, and can always feel the connection with the long history of the party Closely connected.

  The work of explaining the Red House of Peking University is not easy.

As a historical witness of the early revolutionary activities of the Communist Party of China in Beijing, the Red Building of Peking University has left the footprints of a group of revolutionary pioneers such as Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu, and Mao Zedong. There are stories worth telling behind every classroom and every cultural relic.

  If we want to explain the history of the party clearly and explain the key exhibitions in place, a lot of work needs to be done behind the scenes.

The explanatory words were changed again and again. At first, the explanatory words Xie Yinnan got were 30,000 to 40,000 words. After several adjustments and repeated consideration by experts, nearly 30,000 words were left in the end. Explained version.

  Memorizing the explanatory notes is the most basic job requirement for Xie Yinnan, but because the exhibition in the Red Building of Peking University is divided into classrooms one by one, the time is too long, and visitors may be distracted.

In order to take the visitors well, Xie Yinnan used the time to recharge herself, and she never let go of every opportunity to learn party history and improve herself.

  Xie Yinnan said that sometimes when working overtime at night, there was silence in the Red Building of Peking University. Looking at the revolutionary ancestors on the exhibition board, she felt that the ancestors were guiding her and inspiring her to tell more people the stories of the progressive youth a hundred years ago. "It's like it's my mission."

  Xie Yinnan's heart will always be touched by the heroic stories of young people who never looked back, struggled and dedicated a hundred years ago, and the tourists who visit the Red House of Peking University a hundred years later will always move her.

  Not long after the renovation of the Red Building of Peking University, the teachers and students of Peking University came to visit. When explaining, Xie Yinnan saw in their eyes the reverence for the Chinese Communist Party, the admiration for the youth a hundred years ago, and the love for his alma mater. "Peking University a hundred years ago The Red Chamber has witnessed the high-spiritedness of young people with aspirations, and their blood and beliefs are still surging in the Red Chamber of Peking University a hundred years later."

  A hundred years ago, progressive youths played in the Red House of Peking University, and the May Fourth Youth set off from here.

Walking in the Red Building of Peking University now, the floor makes a "creaking" sound, and the footsteps circle in the corridor. This sound seems to have dialed the switch of time travel, and the historical picture of the Communist Party of China is slowly unfolding.

  Xie Yinnan often said: "In this physical space, I often feel that I am talking to the revolutionary ancestors in the narrow and long corridors, compact classrooms, and large rotating lacquered stairs."

  This feeling is also the deep feeling of many visitors in the Red House of Peking University.

Different from other exhibitions, the Red House of Peking University integrates the old site and the exhibition, restores multiple old sites, and allows the exhibition to be embedded in the red building itself.

In the preparatory room for the May 4th Movement restored at the former site, a visitor looked at the slogans on the table, the flags on the wall and other items and said with emotion: "I especially see the gathering of revolutionary youths, and I especially hear the cry of revolution."

  "History does not disappear, but is passed on." Xie Yinnan said that the Red Building of Peking University allows the history of the party and the spirit of the Communist Party of China to continue to spread.

She said: "The deeper you understand the history of the party, the more you will realize the shallowness of your knowledge. We often say that we read Shi Mingzhi and learn from the past. When I study party history, I feel that I have to work harder. I feel like I have to stand firm in my beliefs.”

  In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the "new road to rushing for the exam" was mentioned again. Xie Yinnan said that each generation has its beliefs, and each generation has its mission. This is the mission of contemporary youth, and it is also a requirement for young people "We often talk about the power of faith, but faith is invisible and intangible. For young people, party history is the power of faith. The spiritual pursuit of Li Dazhao, Shao Piaoping and other ancestors to save the country and the people will continue to inspire young people. Time to give spiritual strength."

  Xie Yinnan likes painting and music in life. She often shares her paintings and playing and singing videos in her circle of friends. She said: "Learning party history makes me cherish life more. Every commentator has a small fire in his heart. This The kindling is the love for the Chinese Communist Party, and we hope to pass this kindling to more audiences, so that the audience can remember those who sacrificed their small self and embraced the big self, and remember that today's life is hard-won."

  China Youth Daily China Youth Daily reporter Zhang Min Source: China Youth Daily