• Historical Television 'sorpasso' from Antena 3 to TVE in the chimes for the 'metamorphosis' of Pedroche

"It's official!!"

There were few doubts, but this weekend the confirmation came from their own protagonists: Cristina Pedroche and Alberto Chicote will repeat at the head of the chimes of Antena 3 this New Year's



It will be the seventh year that the couple has accompanied the spectators at the start and start of the year, but the ninth for both, because


began his career with grapes in 2015 together with

Frank Blanco

, and


welcomed 2013 and 2016 in

La Sexta


Sandra Sabatés


Andrea Ropero


"Year after year you have shown us your trust and we feel happy and grateful for it," said the chef on his social networks, "see you on December 31 on Antena3 to see how the Happy 2023 poster lights up."

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After seven years of uninterrupted growth marked by the unknown of an increasingly daring and transgressive dress, last year

Cristina Pedroche


Alberto Chicote

signed a historic


: they broke their record again and achieved an average audience of 7.5 million, while




, historical leader on New Year's


, became the second most watched with 4.8 million.

The faces that will say goodbye to the year on TVE


La Sexta

are still unknown


Risto Mejide and Mariló Montero will bid farewell to the year at Mediaset

The announcement came as a surprise at the end of October: Risto Mejide and Mariló Montero announced live on

Todo es Lie

that they would take over from

Carlos Sobera


Paz Padilla

at the head of the New Year's Eve



"The time has come to communicate it, it is news that we knew at the same time and that we have been knowing for several days. We have come to work without saying anything," announced Mejide.

"Does it make you excited?" She asked her partner.

"Man, it generated my doubts," she acknowledged.

"A year ago would you have said no?" he insisted.

"Radically, he would always have said no," Montero replied, "but I have said yes."

Immediately afterwards, they connected with

Carlos Sobera

for the transfer of functions: "That you learn to differentiate very well between the carillon, the quarters and the chimes. And that you wrap up well, it will be very cold wherever you give them," he advised.

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  • Cristina Pedroche

  • Alberto Chicote

  • Antenna 3