The images that we echo today about the war in Ukraine and the interview with the forensic doctor who receives them on his mobile to analyze them show the horror that human beings are capable of committing.

They make us witnesses of barbarism, of the greatest misery and degradation imaginable at the gates of Europe, which are fought with

the creation of a moral conscience around the values ​​of European liberal humanism


They also remind us of the obligation not to be desensitized to assassinations, to

not turn our heads and resign ourselves to accepting as normal that a few meters from our borders atrocities are being committed that, sooner or later, will be judged for what they are: war crimes.

Because as the Portuguese coroner Duarte Nuno Vieira says in our pages, even war has its rules and in this one, all of them are being violated.

As head of the Scientific Council of the International Criminal Court, forensic Nuno Vieira has worked in Mexico, Kosovo, Bosnia, the USA, the Mediterranean, Syria, India and Pakistan.

He now receives scenes from the war in Ukraine on his mobile phone with the intention of analyzing and classifying them so that in the future they can be judged in the corresponding courts.

The media, including the special envoys of EL MUNDO, and the Ukrainian authorities have already found mass graves in Bucha, Borodyanka, Liman, Izium or Mariupol.

and although

the truth of what is happening will not begin to be known until the war is over

, collecting evidence at this time is essential.

Thus, the use of prohibited ammunition has been discovered, such as projectiles that explode when touching a body, and unjustifiable attacks on civilians have been documented: there are photographs of murdered citizens leaving their homes, executions of the unarmed population, and it is being evaluated whether certain missiles from Moscow are scheduled to fall on residential areas.

Torture chambers or the possible use of Russian crematorium trucks that look like normal vehicles on the outside but inside carry an oven to destroy the evidence of the most problematic cases are also coming to light.

As Nuno Vieira recalls, atrocities are not only committed on the dead, but also on the living: sexual assault is one of the greatest shames.

Russia perpetrates war crimes disproportionately.

At the cost of the annihilation of the Ukrainian nation, Vladimir Putin is not only trying to reconfigure the chessboard of his geopolitical influence, but is also pursuing the destabilization of the entire European space.

The EU's support for Ukraine is more than obligatory.

And kyiv would do well to open proceedings to account for the crimes that are also committed on its side.

This would strengthen her position before the invader and the rest of the world.

It is the most forceful way of demonstrating that the values ​​of liberal democracies are those that should prevail, those that put before -over any interest-

the defense of human values, a worthy vision of progress and its commitment to society


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