More cooperation and joint work

“The Writers Authority” and “Rimini Meeting”: New Initiatives on the Way

  • Ahmed Al Ameri during a meeting with Bernard Schulze at the Sharjah Book Fair.

    From the source


The Sharjah Book Authority and the Italian "Meeting Rimini" Foundation, which is concerned with promoting friendship between peoples, discussed opportunities for further cooperation between the two sides in light of the memorandum of understanding signed by the two parties last year.

The two sides reviewed areas of joint work through exhibitions, platforms and cultural institutions in Sharjah and Italy, and exchanged participations in both the Sharjah International Book Fair and the annual Rimini Meetings, as platforms for hosting creators, thinkers, writers and artists, in addition to discussing launching joint initiatives to promote Emirati-Italian and European cultural dialogue and communication, and opening Bridges of cooperation between writers, intellectuals and translators from both sides.

This came during the meeting, which was held on the sidelines of the 41st Sharjah International Book Fair, and brought together the Chairman of the Sharjah Book Authority Ahmed bin Rakkad Al Ameri and the President of the Italian “Meeting Rimini” Foundation Bernard Schulze, in the presence of the General Coordinator of the exhibition Khawla Al Majini, and Professor of Arabic Literature at the Catholic University in Milan Dr. Wael Farouk.

Ahmed Al Ameri said: “During the meeting, we discussed the possibility of increasing opportunities for cooperation and coordination with the Italian side, in order to activate the memorandum of understanding signed earlier last year between the Sharjah Book Authority and the Rimni Encounter Foundation, and the possibility of launching new initiatives to develop mechanisms of cultural communication between creative institutions related to knowledge production. In the Emirates, Italy and Europe.

Khawla Al-Majini accompanied Bernard Schulze on a tour, during which he inspected a number of pavilions and participating publishing houses, the most prominent of which was the Italian pavilion, the guest of honor for the 41st session of the exhibition.

Schulz praised the cultural program presented by his country during its participation, which would contribute to strengthening cultural dialogue between the UAE and Italy.

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