
Cinema Speculation

, his latest book, Quentin Tarantino lays out a lengthy eulogy of

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

, the 1974 classic of horror cinema, not hesitating to consider it one of the only "perfect" films spawned by Hollywood. .

Eager to know what these other cinematographic nuggets are, Jimmy Kimmel took advantage of the presence of the director of

Pulp Fiction

on his set to extract an exhaustive list from him.

“Well, there aren't many,” he warned, before distilling just seven films.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

, Quentin Tarantino maintains a boundless admiration for



The Exorcist


Annie Hall


Frankenstein Junior


Back to the Future

(1985) and , finally,

The Wild Horde


A list that covers almost all registers, from comedy to science fiction through horror and the sacrosanct western.

But for the inveterate cinephile that he is, the qualities of these films are such that they transcend aesthetic sensitivities.

Beyond tastes and colors

"Listen, when you talk about perfect films, it's about trying to accommodate all aesthetics and all sensibilities… But perfect films more or less exceed all aesthetics to one degree or another," said continued Quentin Tarantino.

In any case, here is a nice list of films to see and watch again this winter, being sure not to crash!


Why does Tim Burton still fascinate young people so much?

Movie theater

“X”: Liters of blood spilled on the set of a porn movie

  • People

  • Quentin Tarantino

  • Back to the future

  • Movie theater

  • Video

  • Film

  • Horror movie