China News Service, Shanghai, November 4th (Zheng Yingying, Yu Mei, Xie Mengyuan) "We need to reverse the stereotypes of young talents about agriculture and let them know that modern agriculture is not hard work facing the loess and back to the sky. We can already work in a better place. In the environment, relying on digital models to cultivate." said Shen Huming, vice chairman of Shanghai Qingmei Green Food Group, born in 1995.

  In the early 1990s, the quality of Shanghai's soy products market was uneven.

Shen Huming's parents, Shen Jianhua and his wife, and their relatives, decided to create their own soy product brand: Qingmei, which means clean and delicious.

  Shen Huming introduced that technology is very important to make soy products well.

At that time, the parents spent a large part of the 60,000 yuan to start a business and hired an old master. "Then they started with a small piece of tofu, rode a tricycle, and went out to sell every day, and slowly began a large-scale operation."

  Starting from making tofu, Qingmei has developed from a small workshop of 6 people in 1998 to a well-known brand in Shanghai after 24 years.

  The 27-year-old Shen Huming has also grown into a "second generation of farmers".

He took over the mantle of his parents and looked at the "future of agriculture" with a new vision of development.

  Shen Huming majored in finance when he was in college, and studied management at the postgraduate level.

He said that Xu was influenced by his parents' entrepreneurship, and he preferred industries such as agriculture.

  However, in his view, the "first generation of farmers" is dominated by traditional agriculture, and most people dedicate their lives to a piece of land; the "second generation of farmers" requires the integration of leading talents from all walks of life to expand the concept of agriculture and form The pan-agricultural pattern of industrial revitalization and industrial integration.

  At present, there are not many young talents who eat "agricultural rice".

Shen Huming said that in addition to conceptual innovations, it is still necessary to provide more favorable conditions for young talents, including providing relatively considerable wages and living in comfortable apartments for talents.

Qingmei is working hard to attract young talents. For example, the fourth phase of the project has more than 120 acres of land. According to the plan, 80 acres of land are used to build factories, and the other 40 acres of land include a supply chain center and 8 talent apartments.

  He said that companies currently need leading talents from all walks of life. Whether in production, logistics, or terminal store sales, Qingmei is cultivating its own "second generation of management".

  Shen Huming said that since he was a child, his father has always told himself that Qingmei, in order to grow into a century-old enterprise with long-term sustainable development, should not pursue quick profits, but must do it down-to-earth and diligently.

In pursuit of this goal, talent is the key, and the company's long-term planning is also very important.

  Qingmei started from making soy products. In recent years, its products have expanded to all categories such as grain, oil, rice noodles, vegetables and fruits, fish, meat, eggs, and daily necessities. It has opened a breakfast shop, opened a direct sales store, etc., and is committed to transforming into a "city". Comprehensive life service provider", allowing products from "fields" to "thousands of households".

  Shen Huming said that Qingmei's soy products have been among the best in Shanghai, but it is a non-staple food and the market is not large. To make the brand bigger, Qingmei should expand its main business and build its own terminal.

  In Yaolu Village, Xuanqiao Town, in the central part of Pudong New Area, the "Qingmei Taste" store, which specializes in Chinese breakfast, sells fried dough sticks for only one yuan.

Shen Huming said that this price is due to Qingmei's control of the entire industry chain.

  For the future, Shen Huming, the "second generation of farmers", is planning how to "overweight" online sales. He said that although Qingmei has expanded more than 700 stores, the overall tone is still based on offline sales. Now that I have entered the management, I still hope to think about how to further expand online sales, at least half online and half offline, integrating sales."

  He also thought about how to continue to innovate in various fields, for example, in terms of products, to develop Kuaishou dishes, which are popular among young office workers.

  Shen Huming has been fascinated by how his parents made a fortune since he was a child. During his childhood, he grew up in a factory. "When it was the closest, it was only 200 meters from the factory to my home. I often went to the factory with my father to see them work."

  Now, he has also joined his parents' struggle team, and continues to pay attention to the three meals a day of the common people, starting small and planning big. "There are tens of millions of residents in Shanghai, and the amount of vegetables they eat every day is an astronomical number. High-standard agriculture covers the entire industrial chain of production, transportation, and sales, and delivers high-quality, attractive products directly to the dining table of citizens.” (End)