The bonds that we weave with a pet are so strong that it ends up becoming part of the family.

To the point where many French people want to rest alongside their cat or their dog.

According to an Ifop poll published on October 27, 68% of the 2,000 respondents are in favor of a law allowing you to be buried with your deceased animal.

The youngest are more inclined to see a text promulgated (80% of those under 35), reports the

Huffington Post


Men and women seem to agree, only three points separate them (66% for women against 69% for men).

A bill to this effect was tabled by 27 deputies on 8 February.

If passed, anyone could choose to be buried alongside their pet.

A private individual could ask “during his burial in a municipal cemetery, to have the cinerary urn of his animals stored at his side, within his coffin, before the coffin”.

Dog owners more inclined

But it is not because the French are in favor of such a provision that they will take the plunge.

Only 45% of pet owners are willing to be buried with their pet if the law were to pass.

Dog owners are more likely to be buried with their animal (51%) than cat owners (47%).

Young people are once again more sensitive to resting in peace with their pet (63%).

In France, mixing humans and animals is not allowed, unlike Germany, the United Kingdom or Switzerland.

However, dogs and cats, and all small pets can be buried in an approved pet cemetery.


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"The Père-Lachaise cemetery is no longer ''the place to be'', the VIPs are often in Montmartre or Montparnasse"

  • Toussaint

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  • Animals

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