Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito have made up for their visit to the town of Gubbio in Umbria with a delay of almost 15 years.

The student couple had originally planned the excursion from their university town of Perugia, but they were arrested on November 6, 2007 on suspicion of the joint murder of their fellow student Meredith Kercher.

In scandalous proceedings, the young American and her Italian boyfriend were convicted, acquitted, convicted again and finally acquitted in the final instance.

The Kercher murder case has not yet been fully clarified.

The Ivorian Rudy Guédé was finally sentenced to 16 years in prison in 2008 for being an accessory to murder; he has been free again since 2020.

For him and Amanda, it was "the best thing" to see each other again after the nightmare, and in Gubbio, said Sollecito, now 38, to the "Daily Mirror".

Like Sollecito, Knox, now 35 and the mother of a young daughter, spent four years in Italian prisons.