Five years ago, he didn't believe in an afterlife.

Now everything is different.

It was while working on another film that Lasse Hallström heard about the Swedish abstract pioneer Hilma af Klint, and eventually became obsessed with the idea of ​​making a film about her, he says.

The artist helped him gain hope for spirituality.

- I believe in reincarnation and in a divinity to which we are all connected, something that Hilma was also convinced existed.

It doesn't sound wise, but these are things that I have started to believe in, he says.

The daughter made her feature film debut

For Lasse Hallström, working on the film also meant that he had the opportunity to work both with his wife Lena Olin and daughter Tora Hallström, who plays her first major role in the portrayal of Hilma af Klint as a youngster.

- Tora has flown out of the nest, but it was wonderful to get to know her properly and pull her away from the financial world that she was immersed in. I hope she has left it for good, I very much hope for an acting career for her, says Lasse Hallström .

"Hilma" is currently showing in cinemas and premieres on Viaplay on November 18.

Hear more about Lasse Hallström's new spirituality in the clip.