A young man ends his life by hanging, leaving a message to his mother

A 29-year-old Egyptian man left a farewell letter to his mother before ending his life by hanging himself.

According to what was published by the “Cairo 24” website, the young man wrote in the letter: “I am sorry, Mama, I hope you will not be upset with me. Sincerely, believe me, I feel that my hour has come and that this is my day.”

In his letter, he asked his mother to take care of his two brothers Abdullah and Salma, sending a message to his brother in which he said: "Do not be upset with me, Abdullah, I love you."

The security services in Menoufia governorate received a report stating the death of a young man by hanging inside his house. Immediately, a security force was pushed to investigate the incident and state the cause of death, even if there was a suspicion of criminality.

Investigations indicated that the 29-year-old was killed by hanging inside his house, while the body was taken to the hospital to complete the necessary legal and medical procedures regarding the incident, and the security force issued a report on the incident.

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