Editor's note:

  The united front led by the Communist Party of China shines with stars.

Among them are winners of international and national awards, famous literary and artistic figures nationally and even globally, and influential figures in the business world... China News Agency launched a series of feature films "Our Ten Years - The Revival of Non-Party Talk". Thirty non-party people who have been deeply involved in different fields, showing their moving stories of upholding the feelings of their home and country and working together to build the "Chinese Dream" of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, so stay tuned.

  He has been engaged in the research of Cistanche for more than 30 years. Tu Pengfei, a professor at the School of Pharmacy of Peking University, took advantage of the sand-fixing advantages of the host plants of Cistanche cistanche, Haloxylon ammonium and Hongliu, to turn more than 6 million mu of desert into an oasis. ”.

He said with a smile, "turned the desert into an oasis, but turned himself into a bald head."

What unforgettable experiences did he have on the road to scientific research in the desert?

As a researcher, why did he win the "National Poverty Alleviation Award Innovation Award"?

Come see Tu Pengfei's "Dream of Cistanche".

Responsible editor: [Fang Jialiang]