Louise Bernard, Ophelie Artaud 11:17 a.m., October 31, 2022

While it was to be broadcast on BrutX, the rapper's documentary will finally be visible on the American platform Amazon Prime Video.

In question: the large audience expected during the broadcast of the film, which opposes the lack of BrutX subscribers.

"We wanted to give the best possible visibility to Mélanie's work", explains Brut.

The former rapper Diam's announced it on her social networks.

The documentary "Salam", which retraces his journey, will be posted on November 18 on the American platform Amazon Prime Video.

However, it was initially intended for the French platform BrutX.

Attract more viewers

It could also have been content to attract new subscribers, because Diam's speech is very rare and attracts a large audience.

His interview with Augustin Trapenard for the promotion of the documentary has accumulated more than 6 million views on the Brut media Facebook account and more than 4 million on YouTube.

And the documentary attracted 90,000 spectators in cinemas at the beginning of July when it was only screened for 2 days.

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BrutX would have given up broadcasting it precisely following the success of the documentary at the cinema: "Following this enthusiasm, we wanted to give the best possible visibility to Mélanie's work. From then on, Amazon has established itself as an obvious partner to accompany the release of the film and give it all the exposure it deserves", explained Brut, the owner of the platform, to Europe 1.

Difficult beginnings for BrutX

This implies BrutX would not have allowed the film to have the same visibility.

For the moment, the platform has not succeeded in establishing itself on the market, nor in attracting the number of subscribers hoped for.

Two weeks ago,


spoke of barely 80,000 subscribers.

For its part, the management leaked the figure of 350,000.


also revealed that the platform, as it exists today, would disappear by the end of the year.