China News Service, Kunming, October 29th (Reporter Hu Yuanhang) "With the change of lifestyle, folk songs such as chopping wood and planting seedlings are on the verge of extinction. We hope that more people will join the rescue protection folk songs. Come in the team." Yunnan singer Zhu Min appealed at the "Folk Song Grand View Phase 4·Golden Autumn Ye Zhenghong - See also Yunnan Classic Folk Song Music Sharing Meeting" hosted by China News Network and China News Service Yunnan Branch.

  This "Seeing Yunnan Classic Folk Songs Music Sharing Session" presents the golden partner of Yunnan national vocal music for netizens at home and abroad - "Plateau Woman", "A Nest Sparrow" and "My Mother in Gaoligong Mountain", which were created by the lyricist Jiang Mingchu and the composer Wan Li. ”, “Mouse Proposes Marriage” and “Stepping on the Clouds” and many other classic Yunnan folk songs, bringing a “Feast of Folk Songs on the Clouds” with unique Yunnan national characteristics to netizens around the world.

Zhu Min sang "My Mother in Gaoligong Mountain" and acted as the host of the music sharing session.

  She has repeatedly expressed her love for folk songs at concerts.

In her opinion, folk songs are the melody that grows from the land, and the voice of a nation, which truly shows the trajectory of human history and cultural development, and is a precious cultural heritage.

  Among the folk songs in many regions, Zhu Min is particularly fond of Yunnan folk songs.

She believes that the preciousness of Yunnan folk songs lies first in its richness—there are 26 ethnic groups in Yunnan, and the number of folk songs has multiplied geometrically; ".

  "In Yunnan, singing is not entertainment, but life." Zhu Min said.

  Zhu Min shared that in Yunnan, there are many folk songs like "The Little Melon Has Not Bloomed" sung at the concert: I have a dull neck and I want to eat mutton stewed with small melon, the mutton is still on the sheep, the small melon It's still not blooming... It's impossible to verify who wrote these songs, but these people are the real composers and the most amazing lyricists.

She has always held a kind of awe and admiration for these anonymous folk artists.

  In the music collection, Zhu Min, like many musicians, felt the urgency of the inheritance and protection of folk songs.

"With the development of the economy and the acceleration of the urbanization process, the folk songs that rely on oral traditions are on the verge of dying out." Zhu Min believes that on the one hand, the collection and sorting efforts should be increased, and on the other hand, scientific and technological means and innovative communication methods should be used. Let folk music be better inherited.

  The music sharing meeting that day also launched an initiative, calling on more musicians and social forces to join in the rescue protection and inheritance of folk songs.
