[Explanation] More than ten years ago, Wu Yu, a higher vocational teacher, was sent by the school to the company for an internship. During the internship, Wu Yu learned the related technologies of water cutting machine manufacturing.

After returning from his studies, he set up a trading company mainly selling water jet cutting machines. Since then, relying on China's Internet dividends to successfully export, Wu Yu's business has grown into an equipment that sells Chinese equipment to more than 120 overseas countries and regions. manufacturing enterprises.

Recently, the reporter visited the entrepreneurial road of this vocational teacher.

  [Explanation] At the beginning of the business in 2009, there were no customers, no business experience, and only manufacturing technology.

The problem faced by Wu Yu, who was doing business for the first time, was very simple, but it was also very fatal.

At that time, China's Internet developed rapidly and was in line with international standards.

Wu Yujian, who is familiar with the Internet, took a slant, abandoned the domestic market without sales network and customer information, and pursued the future through the Internet, which was very novel at that time. Cross-border e-commerce.

It only took three months to get the first overseas order, from Australia, 45,000 US dollars.

  [Concurrent] Wu Yu, head of a cutting equipment manufacturing company in Shenyang

  So through such a case, we can obtain customer information on this foreign Internet platform, and we feel that this thing can be done, so we are very, very confident.

And from that day onwards, we focused on overseas sales, mainly export sales.

From that day on, a high starting point.

We sold from Australia to Malaysia, South Korea, and Thailand. Gradually, we began to have Russia, and then began to enter the European market, including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Austria, and Italy.

  [Explanation] With the development of the times, manufacturing customization has become a new direction indicator.

  [Concurrent] Wu Yu, head of a cutting equipment manufacturing company in Shenyang

  With the development of the times, a single piece of equipment is not enough to help customers solve cutting problems, so what are we doing now?

Combined with the automated production line, the cutting method of the water cutting machine is placed in the production line to help customers solve practical problems. For example, when we cut this waterproof material, a large waterproof material manufacturer, when it is produced from the furnace The waterproof material that comes out needs to be cut in small pieces. We combine the automatic production line and the characteristics of water cutting machine cutting to make it from the beginning to the end of the entire production line.

  [Explanation] Similar to many small, medium and micro enterprises in China, with the development of the times, technical bottlenecks will soon come.

As a vocational teacher, Wu Yu has effectively improved the absorption of talents and technological upgrading through industry-university-research cooperation with schools and research institutes.

In addition, the company actively uses the popular live broadcast method to introduce products to customers, which effectively improves the competitiveness of enterprises.

In 2021, Wuyu's export sales will increase by 30% year-on-year. In the first three quarters of 2022, the company's planned export sales have completed 88%.

  (Reported by Yu Ruizhai Zhao Tianchi from Shenyang)

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]