An investigation by the

Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich

has delved into what behaviors are identified as



His main conclusion is that

gestures of affection

that, in isolation, fall within social normality can be combined and become an indicator of


in the eyes of the couple.

For their research, the scientists showed

more than 26,633 vignettes with alleged unfaithful behavior

to more than 9,000 subjects, with four factors: explicit behavior, emotional involvement, duration of infidelity, and


erotic contact .

"While sexual intercourse is judged unfaithful regardless of context, less explicit behaviors, such as kissing or hugging, are also considered unfaithful," they conclude in their results, published in

The Journal of Sex Research


In these less explicit behaviors, it was the

"non-physical" context

that contributed to creating an idea of ​​infidelity.

Thus, even the cases of no physical contact combined with erotic messages and emotional commitment were evaluated as infidelity.

And in this, women were more strict than men and the youngest respondents were the most intransigent.

The study defines infidelity as "a sexual and/or emotional act performed by a person within a committed relationship, where said act occurs outside the primary relationship and constitutes a breach of trust and/or a violation of agreed norms ( overt or suggested) by one or both individuals in that relationship in relation to romantic, emotional, or sexual exclusivity".

Although almost 100% of those surveyed defined as infidelity the practice of sexual relations outside the couple, as well as kisses, one fact is striking:

80% considered a long hug to be infidelity

if it was combined with an emotional involvement, erotic behavior


or a long-term relationship.

Without any of these factors, only 11% considered that a long hug pointed to infidelity.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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  • Sex

  • couple relationships