30 km/h.

This is the maximum speed that motorists will soon have to respect when driving in Lagny-sur-Marne.

The municipality of Seine-et-Marne has decided to reduce the speed in most of the agglomeration which is currently limited to 50 km/h;

reports La Marne on Wednesday.

The panels will be changed by the end of the year and the beginning of 2023.

Only the avenue du Général Leclerc would escape this modification.

According to the town hall, it is a question of following a road safety policy applied in other cities in France.

She claims that accidents are less dangerous at 30 km/h than at 50 km/h.

Let go of the steering wheel

In terms of pollution, cities that have chosen a maximum speed of 30 km/h have not seen any notable improvements.

But it seems that the noise pollution is reduced.

Another advantage: by lowering the authorized speed, the municipality hopes that motorists will drop their cars for a non-motorized mode of traffic.

It plans to introduce self-service bicycles and scooters in the near future.

Miscellaneous facts

Seine-et-Marne: They stop a bus to intercept the attackers of a member of their family

Miscellaneous facts

Seine-et-Marne: A 2-year-old girl attacked by a dog and dragged several meters

  • Ile-de-France

  • Car

  • Speed ​​limit