The endearing


are in mourning.

Santiago José Martínez

, little


, has died of a stroke, according to the

Diario de Sevilla


Along with



Captain Tan




Uncle Aquiles

-already deceased- or

the Malasombra brothers



was one of the characters most loved by the children of the 60s and 70s generation.

The Chiripitifláuticos

are the history of Spanish television.

It was the first children's television program in Spain and even today, almost 50 years after it was broadcast -from 1966 to 1976-, its songs and phrases are remembered by many.

"We are bad,


, we are really bad. We are like a thorn that only knows how to prick. And more bad than the quinine!" Said one of those songs impossible to forget.

Or her bedside song:

"Chiripitifláutica is mom's smile. Chiripitifláutica is dad's smile. Chiripitifláutico, the happy gesture of the baby. Chiripitifláutico is Don José..."


Not only were their songs or it was the first children's program,

Los Chiripitifáuticos

were the predecessors of all children's television that came later.

From the clowns on TV, through Torrebruno, to the Avería Witch or Sesame Street.

"Every afternoon I sat on the couch at home with my sisters and watched





Captain Tan

... My favorite character was


, but I also really liked


. I remember how

Uncle Aquiles

sang to


' Where is the locomotive driver of everything except the elbow?, but I also remember the song of the

Malasombra brothers

or the

Vaca Paca

, "says Carmen, one of the girls from that time who continues to keep

Los Chiripitifláuticos

in her memory .

Santiago José Martínez



, was not one of the first characters.

He arrived at

Los Chiripitifáuticos

in the second stage of the program, when color television arrived in Spanish homes, and he was always accompanying the character of



His look, with that curly hair, and his resemblance to the style of the

Jackson Five

, made him stand out from the beginning.


Santiago José Martínez

did not follow his path through interpretation.

Only when

Santiago Segura

picked him up for Torrente, the


boy returned to this world.

His job, in fact, was that of a hairdresser in a Madrid hospital, where he died.

At first ,

Los Chiripitifláuticos

were included in the children's program

Antena Infantil

, but, due to their success, they soon began to have their own program.

It was the biggest children's television success in Spain until the arrival, in the early 1970s, of

Los Payasos de la Tele



Los Chiripitifláuticos

had comic book character names.

There was


, the reason why many children of that time, now adults, said or continue to say that as a little friend.

His greeting was the famous 'good afternoon, afternoon'.

And whenever he was happy his cheeks moved.


, who was brought to life by the actress

Maria del Carmen Goñi


She was the smartest of all

the Chiripitifláuticos

and she always went with her gigantic white glasses.



, absolute predecessor of

Don Pimpón


He was the most adventurous, a traveler, who did not hesitate to go hunting tigers at the Casa de Campo.

He was played by actor

Félix Casas



Malasombra brothers

, the worst of

Los Chiripitifláuticos

and the ones who caused all the children to sing their song over and over again.

Uncle Aquiles

, the

most serious character.

And, of course,


, the clown, because in Don Mandolio's circus he could not be absent.

History of television that, thanks to its songs, which achieved great success among Spanish children of the time, will never be forgotten.

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