He pointed out - in his speech to the "Scenarios" program (10/27/2022) that the Palestinian interior needs to renew Palestinian legitimacy and pump new, young blood to be in the arena of confronting Israeli settlements.

The "Lions' Den" group emerged in the past few months, and quickly turned into a phenomenon that grabs the attention of Palestinian youth, and continues to haunt the Israeli security services, and a special military operation was allocated to it, the like of which Nablus has not seen since Operation Defensive Shield in 2002.

In the context of achieving this strategic goal, the Hebrew “Kan” channel published a picture showing a group of leaders of “The Lions’ Den”, some of whom were assassinated, such as Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, Tamer Kilani, and finally Wadih al-Hawah, and some of them are still among the list of targets.

The channel indicated that the Israeli army will continue its operations in Nablus and Jenin, in order to eliminate those who remain on this list.

Possible scenarios

For his part, the former Palestinian Minister of Information Nabil Amr saw that the group evolved from what Israel described as unruly wolves, and they are young people who were carrying out qualitative operations in effective areas and Israel does not know which organization they belong to, but the matter developed and they became a group that has a legitimate incubator through their popularity.

He added that they have become popular heroes, which makes their group expand and include all regions of Palestine in the future, pointing out that this formation is the result of the vacuum in terms of politics and resistance that Palestine witnessed.

Professor of International Relations at Qatar University Ahmed Jamil Azm considered that the emergence of an organization resembling a new faction capable of organizing itself and having a continuous military capacity is something new than it was in the past, when armed complexes and military armor of the factions or quick reactions prevailed.

He added that the Areen Al-Aswad group is able to develop, use the new media, and mobilize the street by issuing its own statements, considering that this group is able to impose a new system, organize themselves, and move the street, which makes them impose a new rhythm followed by traditional factions and changes the rules of the game.

It is noteworthy that the retired Israeli general, Udi Dekel, considered in a position assessment paper published by the Institute for National Security Studies, under the title: "The Lions' Den: A Warning to Facing Imminent Challenges", that the "lions' den" phenomenon in the West Bank constitutes another indication to Israel that it will not be able to The “containment” of the Palestinian territories is forever, and it is another expression of the weakness of the Palestinian Authority.

Dekel added that the Israeli approach, which is based mainly on the increasing use of force, has exhausted itself, and there is a need now for new efforts, along with preparations for several scenarios that may result from the current situation, the first of which is a comprehensive popular initiative that attracts the Palestinian people to work that will change the leadership and the current rules of the game .

The second scenario, in his estimation, is Hamas' control of the dynamics of the situation, which will lead to more terrorism and chaos in the West Bank, he said.

As for the third scenario, Israel faces international pressures to allow the holding of elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council and the presidency of the Palestinian Authority.