For weeks the name of

Arturo Valls

appeared as the next presenter of... Finally, EL MUNDO has learned that the new project of

Arturo Valls

is the new project of

Antena 3


The 1% Club


The presenter and producer will host the adaptation in Spain of the successful BBC contest

The 1% Club


Atresmedia Televisión

has acquired the rights to adapt the contest that has swept the United Kingdom and has already been licensed in France, Israel and the Netherlands.

And at the forefront of the contest is one of the chain's stronghold presenters, Arturo Valls, presenter of

Mask Singer

, or

Now I Fall!

, until its cancellation, among many others.

The 1% Club

is a quiz show that tests 100 anonymous contestants who, in order to win, must correctly answer a question that only 1% of the country would get right.

The contest puts everyone on a level playing field, meaning anyone can follow the game from home and it's perfect for enjoying and competing in front of the TV.

"We are very pleased to have acquired

The 1% Club

from BBC Studios, since for Atresmedia it is a priority to continue betting on internationally successful formats. The most watched contests on our television are on

Antena 3

and, therefore, it is a genre that It fits perfectly into our entertainment catalog", says

Carmen Ferreiro

, Director of Entertainment Programs at Atresmedia Televisión.

The objective of the contest is to belong to the 1% club:

100 contestants face the game

and, to win, they must correctly answer a question that only 1% of the country would get right.

The questions are not about general culture, but have an important part of logic.

Each contestant starts with a fixed amount of money.

They will start with simpler questions that 90% of the population would get right.

However, the game will get more complicated with each question.

Whoever answers wrong is eliminated.

At the end of the program,

only one player will face the question that only 1%

would get right.

If he answers correctly, he takes the boat home.

Broadcast on ITV last April and May,

The 1% Club

has swept the audience.

The program premiered with a 24.8% audience share and more than 3.4 million viewers, but it did not peak and its audience has become increasingly loyal, reaching a 32.3% audience share. screen and 4.1 million viewers in one of its installments.

Right now,

Antena 3

dominates television entertainment in Spain with the most requested formats at an international level:

La Voz


Mask Singer


Your face sounds like me




La roulette of luck



, recently acquired,

El Club del 1 %


The Wheel

(the circle of celebrities), also a new project that is in production to start recording soon.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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  • Antenna 3