Road Safety reminded users on Wednesday of the importance of making themselves visible on public roads just before the time change.

Each year, a peak in accidents is observed on the weekend following the seasonal time difference.

She also invited "motorists to be extra vigilant" vis-à-vis pedestrians, cyclists and scooter users.

France will switch to winter time overnight from Saturday to Sunday, so it will be dark earlier.

Every year, the number of accidents involving a pedestrian increases by 42% in November compared to October, according to ONISR data collected between 2015 and 2019.

90% of cyclists worried about their safety at night

"In the headlights of a car, other users are visible only 20 meters away when they are dressed in black", recalls the press release from Road Safety.

“However, at 50 km/h, a car needs at least 25 m to stop on dry ground (38 m on wet ground).

With reflective accessories, they are visible from 150 m.

The organization therefore encourages vulnerable users to wear "light-colored clothing" as well as "retroreflective devices".

According to a study by the Assurance Prévention association, 82% of French people are worried about their safety when visibility drops (in the evening, at night or in the event of fog).

Cyclists are the most likely to feel vulnerable (90%), followed by motorized two-wheelers (85%) and users of electric scooters and other similar devices (82%).

If the good reflexes are known, they are not systematically applied.

Only 73% of pedestrians systematically use sidewalks when visibility is reduced and 29% wear light-coloured clothing.

Half of cyclists do not always wear reflective accessories.

On electric scooters, 38% of users do not always turn on their lights.


Road safety: 262 people killed in September, mortality down 5% compared to 2021


How did license-free cars seduce teenagers?

  • Company

  • Road safety

  • Time change

  • Night

  • Accident

  • Pedestrians

  • Car

  • Bike