outside the text

only me!

Dirar with Al-Hol Al-Falasi


October 27 2022

“I and Only” is a term that is not new, but rather an old one, but recently it has begun to resurface and smell because of its disadvantages sometimes.

Some people think that the term “me and me” is related to my personality, although it is far from me, but I wondered what makes some people think this of me?!

I found that they are accusations made by the elite group or the owners of the letter (d.), and the definite and undisputable truth is that “everyone sees people with his own eyes.”

Here, my dear ones, I will differentiate between the “me and me” that I use and the term “I and the sick person,” which is used by some elitists or the owners of the letter (d.) as Kalashnikov bullets.

Here, I remember the play “Shahid Mashfsh Hajja” and the phrase “always accustomed,” and then he says: I seek refuge in God from the word “I,” until the topic became something of the daily routine that we used to hear.

The “I” used it to reveal the likes of you, wrapped in “colored Macintosh” paper, every day in a different shape and color, until today you have become one of the remnants whose color or taste is not recognized, and some are ashamed to present it, because its taste does not apply to the present we live in!

Dear owner of “I and Only”, the higher the shares of the “I” within you, the lower your shares as a human being, as if he lives in his bubble, but whoever raises his shares and the shares of others will share life with them, and feel true happiness.

Her path indicates: Dear elite group and owners of the letter (D) “The Macintosh box” has expired and has not been opened, advice try another type of sweetness “Tofu”, because your molars cannot bear to chew my sweetness!



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