Doing many things to try to achieve better results does nothing but unleash the greatest enemy of our desire:


We are not aware that sometimes less is more.

And, on this occasion, I am talking about sexuality, yes, but this could be applied to any area of ​​our lives.

Who doesn't want everything to be much



The problem is that we are bombarded from all sides with information on

how to obtain more pleasure, reach orgasm, conquer multi-orgasmia, endure more and put into practice the entire "kamasutric" repertoire in a single night


It's exhausting, yes, but still, we want it.

Because we believe that this is what good sex consists of;

that much, more and everything is always better.

That is what we have been led to believe, but no.

Well, it is very good to know that aspect of

innovation and search for new sensations

, because we already know that routine kills desire and relationships;

in fact, my consulting work also contemplates these aspects.

Also, setting challenges motivates.

However, when it is not practiced from the game, but from


, things change.

But, if there is only this, magic formulas, then there is nothing, because

the foundations would be missing


In consultation, they ask us for detailed and well chewed descriptions so that they can apply them and

obtain guaranteed results


But the solution is within oneself and it is called self-



It scares us, yes, but are we going to carry crutches all our lives and be able to dance without them?


In my desire to explore these little big things that enrich our sexuality, I proposed to my dear colleague Valérie Tasso, sexologist, writer and LELO ambassador, to talk about it and I think she could not have been more clear and direct;

"We are, obviously, in a

society of consumption and hypersexualization

of sexual beings. A very convulsive world where we look for sources of pleasure. When sexuality is focused on looking for recipes and they ask us to help them do certain postures, etc., the only thing that is being done is

to generate a routine so as not to fall into the routine

", he assures.

Believing that we will not be able to enjoy ourselves without the protocols, following each scheduled step, is much worse than

practicing the missionary all our lives

, exclusively.

In fact, "if you do the missionary and it gives you a lot of pleasure, why are you going to change?" Tasso clarifies.

Because it's not what you do, but where you do it from.

To what extent(s) do you know yourself?

Only 22% of Spaniards have located more than

three of their erogenous points.

An alarming fact offered by the Swedish brand of luxury erotic toys and sexual well-being.

Erogenous zones or points are those

highly sensitive parts of the body

-due to the large number of nerve endings that make them up- so that, when stimulated, they are capable of causing sexual arousal.

"Each person and body is unique, so it is important to understand that everyone can feel arousal in different parts and in different ways. Virtually

any part of the human body can be considered an erogenous point.

In addition to the genitals, the breasts, the ears or the neck, there are many other erogenous zones, such as the thighs, the feet, the scalp, the palate... and a long etcetera", affirms the LELO ambassador.

On the occasion of the launch of its new and revolutionary LELO DOT erotic toy, the brand wanted to investigate self-knowledge and how we Spaniards are aware of what they are and how to stimulate our pleasure points.

"Each person enjoys in a different way the

more than 1,001 ways to stimulate our body

or as many as oneself is capable of discovering," they emphasize.

But we focus on the great points of our body, the obvious, the trends and we forget to investigate every inch of our skin.

We need to give ourselves some

time and absolutely precise stimulation


Try it with your hands, your mouth, your tongue, or theirs, your feet, or even your hair.

The toy store also helps, although it is not the only way to discover yourself.

Sometimes we look for huge sex toys, with 1,000 functions and intensities.

However, some apparently simple and minimalist,

access our little unexplored areas thanks

to new technologies such as the Infinite Loop, where a small and simple soft and flexible tip concentrates all its intensity and expands it.

Starting the house from the roof was never a good idea.

But it is always a good time to

build or reinforce a new sexuality full of pleasures

, where quality prevails over quantity.


is a sexologist.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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  • Sex