Regarding long-term care insurance premiums borne by the elderly aged 65 and over, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare plans to raise insurance premiums for seniors with income above a certain level, while lowering them for those with incomes below a certain level. We will consider it in a subcommittee.

The amount of long-term care insurance premiums paid by elderly people aged 65 and over is determined according to their income, based on the standard amount set by each municipality.

Twenty-two years ago when the long-term care insurance system started, the national average was 2,911 yen per month, but with the rapid aging of the population, it has more than doubled to 6,014 yen per month, and the burden of insurance premiums will continue to increase in the future. It is expected to continue.

Under these circumstances, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will proceed with discussions to review the burden according to the ability to pay in preparation for the revision of the system in 2024. For elderly people whose income is below a certain level, the policy is to reduce insurance premiums while listening to the opinions of experts.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare held a subcommittee of experts on the 31st of this month, and in addition to nursing care insurance premiums, currently 10% in principle, 20% or 30% depending on income, self-pay when receiving nursing care services We also plan to hold discussions on these matters, and plan to summarize the discussions by the end of the year and solidify the policy for reviewing the system.