Rangers in Kent (UK) had a very nice surprise on September 9, 

The Guardian

reported on Friday .

As the British media reports, the rangers discovered that one of the females of the herd of wild bison had given birth out of sight.

This is a real event, which marks the first birth of a wild bison in England for… millennia!

First wild bison born in UK for millennia after surprise pregnancy https://t.co/fBi8COYjgU

— The Guardian (@guardian) October 21, 2022

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In July 2022, three female bison were released into the Kent forest, during a project to reintroduce the species.

However, none of the rangers knew that one of them was waiting for a happy event.

“It had been a few days since we had seen female 2 and that sounded like a red flag, because she is usually very confident and always among the first,” one of the rangers told the Guardian.

So the man went looking for him in the woods.

A calf hiding behind its mother

After an hour, he found the female bison at the edge of the trees and saw a small creature beside her.

“I thought I saw a Munjac deer behind her and I thought, what is he doing so close to this female?


After a few seconds, the ranger realized it was a newborn bison.

A real miracle.

However, the team waited a bit before revealing the birth to the general public, partly to ensure that the young animal was in good health, and partly because the United Kingdom had just learned of the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

The presence of these wild bison in the UK is intended to assess the role of the species in the ecosystem.

But also to provide other European sites with mammals and thus diversify their genetic heritage.

The 9,000 bison currently living on the continent are descended from just 12 zoo animals, says The Guardian.


Bison reintroduced to UK to preserve forest biodiversity

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