- What should I do?

moaned Ippolit Matveyevich.

- You must be silent.

Sometimes puff out your cheeks for the sake of importance.

This is what Ostap Bender said when he was going to extort money from people who did not fit into the process of socialist construction from an earlier time.

That's what national security advisers to the President of the United States now say, all sorts of Jakey Sullivans, in comparison with whom the Grand Schemer looks like an armchair intellectual, content with cock's head soup for dinner.

From the height of our current knowledge of the universe, of course.

And while Ippolit Matveyevich Biden puffs out his cheeks for the sake of importance, these crooks from Yale and Harvard are selling suckers that abroad will help them.

And even give parabellum.

Old and rusty, but still shooting.

From absolutely boorish lies of this swindler it would be possible to make the whole book.

That's just why, if the next day after he is thrown out of the White House, this book will be suitable only for kindling European bourgeoisie.

And Jake Sullivan himself will be immediately forgotten, as if he never existed.

How the host of all these previous "advisers" who fed the suckers under other presidents forgot.

But now there is Jake Sullivan, and his latest statement (the official one, posted on the White House website) cannot fail to impress Quickpack owners and bagel club chairmen around the world.

And especially on his own flock, which is invited to agree that the giant of democracy Kees still remained for his second term.

I hope everyone here is familiar with classical Russian literature and the images used, otherwise you have landed on the wrong planet.

The reason for the statement was the decision of the Moscow Regional Court, which recognized the legal sentence of the American basketball player Brittney Griner, who was sentenced to nine years for trying to smuggle drugs.

Of course, the basketball player came under scrutiny for nothing.

In her luggage they found cartridges for an e-smoking machine, or whatever it's called.

The cartridges contained hash oil.

The athlete explained this by the fact that in the United States it is called "medical marijuana" and is used as an analgesic.

But that's in the USA.

And we discovered the amount was enough for a criminal case.

And every reasonable person who does not need to breed a sucker understands: Brittney Griner simply ended up in the front row of Americans thrown into embrasures, who have long been pissing off the whole world thanks to their bosses, who in the meanest way kidnap citizens of other countries around the world.

Including, of course, the citizens of Russia.

The account which goes already on tens.

And it takes years to get them out of very unpleasant American prisons (Maria Butina will tell you).

Pilot Yaroshenko served 12 years for nothing (for being a pilot).

Exchanged for Trevor Reed, a retired American infantryman who made a drunken brawl in Russia and attacked the police.

Viktor Bout has been in prison for ten years for about the same thing that Yaroshenko did: for what he did not commit.

If the drunken Trevor Reid was handed over to the police by his own friends, including his girlfriend, if hash oil was indeed found with Brittney Griner, then Yaroshenko and Bout were charged without any event of an offense at all.

They are in prison "for intentions", the content of which the US authorities learned, apparently, with the help of mind-reading.

Russian programmers were caught right at computer security conferences, apparently because they intended to tell the delegates of these conferences about problems in computer security.

Their names can't even be counted.

I will not even remember Guantanamo, where for years completely random people were kept without trial or investigation.

American justice is for Americans.

There is no righteous judgment for all others.

And there is only reprisal by the right of the strong.

Forgive me my pathos.

And here is the official representative of the state, which has been creating this cowardly lawlessness for decades (they take it with the wrong hands, the hands of suckers, pay for extradition to the USA), this representative states the following:

"The President has shown that he is willing to go to extraordinary lengths and make tough decisions to bring Americans home, as his administration has done successfully in countries around the world."

In this place, you know, I choked.

Tea, tea, not what you thought.

I just remembered the tough and decisive (you can't say otherwise) evacuation from Afghanistan, the success of which was watched with such rapture by the entire Lokhov world.

Who also does not like being held for a sucker.

And therefore sincerely having fun, watching the breeder fall into a dirty puddle.

Having fun, but somehow bleak.

Because he understands that all these “advisers” from Yale will answer in full for their shame.

And the only ones who cannot be asked in the way that “advisers” like to ask through the lip are Russia.

Because Russia can arrest an American basketball player who smuggles drugs, and no other country in the world can.

Even if it will be necessary to arrest the true villain.

Even if it will be necessary to ask one of those who bombed this or that country, in this very country.

Grind their teeth, wipe themselves off - and let them through.

And they will release.

And we can arrest.

And they should arrest as many Americans as they kidnapped the Russians.

Of course, for business.

Not without reason.

In the last lines of my letter, I note that I did not have to see a single malevolent comment about the basketball player herself in Russian networks.

Well, a fool woman, she fell under a tank.

Will manage.

And we seem to believe that everything will work out for her, much more than Jake Sullivan.

Which, in fact, does not care deeply about the basketball player.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.