Baby girl miraculously survives 'most dangerous condition faced by an Indian doctor'

An Indian girl has miraculously survived after an iron rod pierced her face, at a construction site where she was playing.

The paramedics saved the little girl from what the treating doctor described as "the most serious case he has ever faced in his career".

The eight-year-old was playing in Bhulanpur village, Uttar Pradesh, India, when she fell straight onto a protruding iron bar, which pierced her chin and exited her mouth.

Despite the horrific penetration, fortunately the iron bar by chance avoided harming any of the vital nerves and blood vessels, allowing the girl to speak eight hours after the accident.

Dr Rajkumar Kohli, who led the operation, said it was "the most dangerous case I have ever faced in my career".

The iron rod pierced the girl's lower jaw and came out of her mouth, while the other children ran to get her family.

After the workers cut off part of the penis, the family took her to the nearest local hospital.

Dr. Cooley said, “Due to the girl's critical condition, I was called in for emergency surgery.

I examined the patient’s vitals and, understanding the danger, asked the girl’s parents to take her to Lucknow Medical College, about 140 kilometers away, for the surgery.”

This is because “the X-ray facility in the area hospital is not available after 5 pm.”

The process of gradually and slowly withdrawing the penis took only about 35 minutes, as it was found that it did not rupture the blood vessels in the brain and trachea. The doctor confirmed that “after three days the patient was discharged from the hospital.

After the penis was successfully removed, the girl began speaking within eight hours.

And the newspaper "Daily Star", quoting medical sources, stated that the girl is now in a very good position in her home and can talk and eat normally.

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