• College students obtain the right to do "whatever they want" in their establishment.

  • “L'Ecole est à nous” shows that this new method of education is bearing fruit.

  • The director of "Tamara" confirms here that he knows how to capture and restore the living force of youth.

It's full of generous ideas

The School is ours

by Alexandre Castagnetti, discovered at the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival.

This comedy, starring Sarah Suco, gives hope to young people and their loved ones by showing how college students take ownership of their establishment for the better following a strike.

A sharing of knowledge

This joyous delirium puts the viewer's heart in celebration.

“The film is certainly joyful but it is not a delirium, nuance Alexandre Castagnetti at

20 Minutes


My co-screenwriter Béatrice Fournera and I consulted education specialists before writing the film and what we are telling is therefore based on ideas that have already been applied in establishments.

The director of


, a surprise success of 2016, confirms his gift for filming a youth that he captures with great accuracy.

The students suddenly have the right to "do what they want" to the chagrin of their headmaster played by Jean-Pierre Darroussin.

Far from lazing around, they are developing a new way of learning where everyone contributes their knowledge for the common good.

“Having family in education, I was struck by the fact that students and teachers were equally unhappy and that there had to be ways to improve their lives,” says the director.

L'Ecole est à nous

offers ways in this direction, also inviting parents and grandparents who volunteer to come and share their knowledge with the children.

From competition to cooperation

"We chose to bring together teenagers of different origins in order to correspond to life in current colleges", insists the filmmaker.

His film takes on the appearance of an invigorating utopia when the playground is transformed into a vegetable garden or grades are banned, allowing young people to flourish without feeling constantly belittled.

"It is time to move from competition to cooperation by putting young people back at the center of the education process", insists Alexandre Castagnetti.

The creation of an artisanal incubator or a new source of non-polluting energy in

The School is ours

almost makes us want to go back to college as the world offered to us by its authors is rich in goodwill and great successes.

Long live the school of Alexandre Castagnetti!

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  • Movie theater

  • 20 minute video

  • School

  • Carol's choice

  • Culture