• Xesús Fraga, National Prize 2021 'Virtues (and mysteries)'

The writer Marilar Aleixandre has been awarded the National Narrative Prize, corresponding to the year 2022, for her work

As malas mulleres

(Galaxia), at the proposal of the jury meeting this Tuesday.

The prize, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Government of Spain, is endowed with 20,000 euros.

For the second consecutive year, the jury has chosen a work written in Galician, after Xesús Fraga won for

Virtudes (and mysteries)

in 2021 .

The jury highlighted her work

As malas mulleres

(Galaxia) "for its

original hybrid structure

that makes it a unique historical novel about the prison situation of women in the 19th century, with an admirable command of dialogue and language".

In addition, the jury has pointed out that "the work

recovers memory

in a brilliant way in dialogue with literary tradition. A choir of female voices from different social classes introduces elements of popular poetry and oral culture."

The author, according to the jury, "emphasizes inequalities and at the same time offers a

hopeful look

: the capacity for resilience and emancipation of the human being, highlighting the importance of sisterhood and commitment to others."

Marilar Aleixandre, born in Madrid in 1947, is a narrator, poet and translator, and uses Galician as her literary language.

In 1973 she obtained the chair of the Institute of Natural Sciences and went to Galicia where she has been a professor of Biology in secondary education and at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she taught the subject of

Didactics of Sciences

at the University of Santiago.

Aleixandre regularly collaborates in literary magazines such as



Luzes de Galiza


Festa da

voz ,

Feros Corvos


El Signo del Gorrión






He also collaborates in the literary pages of

La Voz de Galicia


O Correo Galego

. After writing several books for children, he entered narrative for adults, in which the novels

Teoría do chaos

(Xerais Novel Award 2001),

As malas mulleres

(Blanco Amor Novel Prize 2020) and in poetry, with the collection of poems


, which won the 2006 Caixanova Poetry Prize.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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  • literature