China News Service, Tianjin, October 22, title: Tianjin's "Vocational Education" injects a booster for the revitalization of Xinjiang's Hotan countryside

  Author Zhang Shaoxuan Wang Zai Yu Huwei

  "This is the Hotan Regional Museum, with 1,300 permanent exhibits and an exhibition area of ​​6,160 square meters." Buweimariyem Abdusamati, a student in the Department of Tourism Management of Xinjiang Hotan Vocational and Technical College, is speaking to tourists in fluent Mandarin. They explained the cultural relics of Hotan, and explained the history and culture of Hotan.

She came from a local peasant family and is now working as an intern at the museum.

Through vocational education, Bouvimariyam not only has a brilliant life, but also masters a skill, but also realizes "one person acquires skills and the whole family increases income".

Hetian Vocational and Technical School Engineering Technology Department Automobile Maintenance Skills Competition.

Photo courtesy of Tianjin before assisting Xinjiang

  In 2022, Hotan Vocational and Technical College will send nearly 4,000 graduates and interns majoring in agriculture, forestry, logistics, and tourism to regional industrial development, providing strong support for the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization.

As a key planning project of Tianjin aid to Xinjiang, Hotan Vocational and Technical College has developed into a modern higher vocational college with 18 majors, more than 8,000 students and nearly 300 faculty members since its establishment in 2018.

Innovative "Double-High Plan" group-style precise assistance

  In recent years, Tianjin Vocational Education Assistance to Xinjiang has closely followed the needs of industries and enterprises for technical and skilled talents in various fields in the process of implementing the rural revitalization strategy in Hotan area, focusing on the development of key industries in areas such as agricultural technology and animal husbandry, rural tourism, auto repair machinery, and clothing manufacturing. Integrate the counterpart majors in the city's "Double High Plan" construction colleges and professional groups, and accurately select 31 professional and technical talents from 6 colleges and universities including Tianjin Vocational University and Tianjin Light Industry Vocational and Technical College to form the tenth batch of Tianjin aid to Xinjiang The vocational education team implements a combination of "school leaders + middle-level cadres + famous teaching teachers + professional backbone + skill masters".

  For a long time, the Tianjin Vocational Education Team has exported Tianjin vocational education from the aspects of college scale, professional construction, institutional management, scientific research services, teacher training, etc. Educate the experience in the construction of the "Double High Plan" and carry out precise counterpart assistance.

  Under the leadership and demonstration of the construction achievements of Tianjin Vocational Education "Double High Plan", the first skill competition was awarded, the first batch of students successfully graduated, the first batch of professional groups, industrial colleges were launched, the first autonomous region scientific research project was established, the first Xiangyangcai construction project was approved, the first "1+X" certificate assessment pilot was completed, and the first innovation and entrepreneurship incubation base was established... The vocational and technical education carried out in Hotan area has enabled many local students to have a skill, and opened the door own shining life.

"College Package Department" Collaborative Assistance to Innovate a New Model of Vocational Education

  As a pioneer province and city in supporting the development of vocational education in the western region, Tianjin takes the lead in the "Double High Plan" colleges and universities in the three eastern provinces and cities of "Beijing-Tianjin-Anhui" to jointly support the high-quality education development of Hotan Vocational and Technical College.

  Seven “Double-High Plan” construction colleges, including Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Vocational College, Tianjin Vocational University, Tianjin Medical College, Anhui Wuhu Vocational and Technical College, all have teams supporting Hotan Vocational and Technical College.

  In the face of specific problems in the implementation process, the Tianjin Aid Xinjiang Vocational Education Team put forward the principle of "group assistance, key breakthroughs, establishment of mechanisms, and overall improvement", and innovatively built a "college package department" assistance model, that is, seven colleges The school uses the advantages of each school to help a professional counterpart department of Hotan Vocational and Technical College.

It has stepped out of the "first move" of the innovation of the vocational education assistance model in the new era, led by Tianjin's aid to Xinjiang and the cooperation of high-quality vocational education resources in the east.

  Up to now, 7 colleges and universities have carried out more than 100 counterpart support and exchange activities; more than 30 online teacher training and cloud teaching and research; 3 expert forums; 2 scientific research exchange meetings.

At the same time, subject experts from 7 colleges and universities deeply participated in guiding the construction and design of the training room of Hotan Vocational and Technical College, and the writing and revision of the new professional talent training plan.

"Double High Plan" colleges and Hotan Vocational and Technical College jointly run a seminar.

Photo courtesy of Tianjin's aid to Xinjiang

Tianjin aids Xinjiang to help cultivate scarce talents

  In the process of implementing the rural revitalization strategy in Hotan, Xinjiang, there is a shortage of mine safety talents.

Hotan Vocational and Technical College has insufficient existing teachers and training conditions, and cannot open related majors in a short period of time.

Faced with this thorny situation, Tianjin Vocational Education Assistance to Xinjiang quickly planned, leading Hotan Vocational and Technical College to negotiate with Huainan Vocational and Technical College of Anhui Province, and finally facilitated the two sides to cooperate in running a school in mining majors.

  In April 2022, the two parties signed a cooperation agreement to jointly recruit students in the two majors of "Mine Electromechanical and Intelligent Equipment" and "Safety Technology and Management", and implement "1+2" ​​throughout the training for the development of mining resources development industry in Hotan, Xinjiang. Talents in short supply.

It can be said that this is another smart move by Tianjin to assist Xinjiang to deliver high-quality vocational education resources in the east and promote the development of vocational education in Xinjiang.

  Over the years, Tianjin Vocational Education Assistance to Xinjiang has significantly improved the effectiveness of counterpart assistance, quickly cultivated a large number of Xinjiang local skilled talents who are skilled in technology, good in management, and understandable in management. Fulfill your life dreams and fly high.
