A verdigris bust, a missing post, two broken corners, illegible lettering... Georges Méliès' tomb did not look very good in the Père-Lachaise cemetery in 2019 when his great-granddaughter undertook to have it restored .

Sixty-five years it had not been maintained or very little.

Relying on crowdfunding relayed by

20 Minutes

, Pauline Méliès exceeded her goal of 36,000 euros by collecting more than 42,000 euros thanks to 678 donors.

The "creator of the cinematographic spectacle" was able to count on support on five continents: 224 donors in France, 153 in the United States but also from New Zealand, Singapore and Morocco.

The inauguration of his restored tomb takes place this Saturday in the Parisian cemetery.

And a new crowdfunding (16,500 euros) for the "self-publishing" of a book on Georges Méliès has just been launched.

“These are around fifteen intimate testimonies from relatives”, explains Pauline Méliès.

It runs until November 20 and aims to sell 500 copies in French and English.



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  • Movie theater

  • Paris

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  • Graveyard